Posts Tagged ‘More’
Medicine World Enterprises, LLC – Stress and Hormones Affect Weight More Than Previously Understood
Medicine World Enterprises, LLC – Stress and Hormones Affect Weight More Than Previously Understood
New York, NY (PRWEB) April 08, 2015
Very few professionals would argue with the proposition that diet and exercise combine to represent the fundamental components of weight management. However, it turns out that two other factors, stress and hormones contribute significantly. They appear to interact and contribute to the ways that most people process food and benefit from exercise. The good news is that both are manageable to a degree that has significant bearing on weight control.
Dr. Veronica Anderson has analyzed data from the Mayo Clinic, Harvard, and other reliable sources. She recognizes that the general categories of food consumption and exercise have multiple subcategories including genetics, hormonal issues, diet quality, sleep, and stress. The public least understands stress and hormones, but they offer everyone the best opportunity to make adjustments.
The way Dr. Veronica describes the connection is that stress is the human body’s natural response to perceived threats. An example she uses is that you suddenly realize your toddler has wandered away from your sight at a park playground. A region of the brain known as the hypothalamus stimulates adrenal glands that release adrenaline and cortisol. The adrenaline raises your heart rate, blood pressure, and energy. It is cortisol, the number one stress hormone, which increases the sugar supply in the bloodstream (leading to weight gain), inhibits the immune system, and suppresses digestion. Other by-products include fear, mood disruptions, and reduced motivation.
In the example, as soon as you notice your child emerge from a play structure, the hormone levels normalize and everything else self regulates once again. However, today’s world has a way of maintaining elevated levels of stress beyond normal parameters. Long-term stress response, even at the relatively low levels we experience in competitive working environments, leads to heart disease, sleep disorders, depression, memory impairment, and weight gain.
Unfortunately, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has increased the problem since it has resulted in a reduction in reimbursements to physicians who deal with these issues. Proactive health care practitioners such as Dr. Veronica advise against taking pills that only mask the symptoms. Rather, she recommends managing stress with her 5 Pillars of Health program that include: 1-Detoxification, 2-Nutrition, 3-Fitness, 4-Nervous System Maintenance, and 5-Hormonal Regulation.
While stress reduction strategies such as meditation, yoga, and other relaxation techniques play a role, Dr. Veronica notes the long-term solutions to uncontrollable weight extend beyond those. She adds, “You cannot just quit your job or get a divorce.” She instructs people that they must learn about the cycle of stress and sustainable methods to break it.
About Dr. Veronica Anderson:
Dr. Veronica has appeared on all major news networks including NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox News Network, and CNN. She has been published multiple times on Huffington Post. She hosts the radio show, Wellness for the REAL World on BlogTalkRadio. She is an avid proponent of combining traditional Western medical care with holistic and alternative remedies. Dr. Veronica M.D. is headquartered at 1485 Fifth Ave. #19-D New York, New York. Contact Dr. Veronica at 609.577.9893 or online at:
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TMJ No More Review Reveals New System for Curing TMJ Disorders
TMJ No More Review Reveals New System for Curing TMJ Disorders
Denver,Colorado (PRWEB) November 29, 2014
The TMJ No More review published by reveals that the new program addresses all sufferers who have found themselves in the situation of waking up in the middle of the night realizing that they are clenching their teeth so badly they hurt themselves. TMJ disorders actually are extremely common nowadays, more common than what people may realize at first.
TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder is a chronic disorder that affects millions of people from all around the world.
The TMJ No More program is a comprehensive cure system from TMJ and bruxism. The method promises efficiency when it comes to curing this problem holistically and permanently.
This new system promises to provide relief fast, to avoid further damage to the teeth and enjoy a better night sleep. The review published by Daily Gossip indicates that this is one of the most appreciated home remedies for TMJ at the moment. The method is based on natural remedies only.
Read more about TMJ No More at:
The homeopathic remedies presented in this guide are easy to use. Moreover, the method teaches users about this disorder and how to fix it in a short period of time. The most obvious immediate benefits of the program are going to include reduced tension, depression and exhaustion.
Consequently, people who have tried this program have enjoyed a healthier and more energetic life. reveals in the TMJ No More review that the new program can now be purchased online, from the author’s website. This contains the entire holistic system for TMJ and bruxism, including a 150 page downloadable eBook.
This guide is available for immediate download, so users interested in this method can enter into its possession faster than imagined. The guide can now be found along with some bonus materials.
To learn more about “TMJ No More” please use the following url:
These bonuses include a guide to relaxation, a book on yoga and meditation, as well as a book indicating how to enjoy the most relaxing sleep possible. The method features a money back guarantee, an additional proof of its efficiency.
The TMJ No More review reveals that a series of online user testimonials claim that the program has been as effective as possible in their cases. The method also features free one on one email counseling from its author.
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Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & More: Choosing the Nutrients That Are Right for You
What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & More: Choosing the Nutrients That Are Right for You
Almost 75 percent of health and longevity is based on lifestyle, environment, and nutrition. Yet even if you follow a healthful diet, you probably don’t get all the nutrients you need to prevent disease. In What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & More, Dr. Pamela Smith explains how you can maintain health through the use of nutrients.
Part One of this easy-to-use guide discusses the individual nutrients necessary for good health. Part Two offers personalized nutritional p
List Price: $ 15.95
PROBIOTICS FOR DOGS & CATS & BIRDS- NaturPet Pro – Healthy Fur, Skin, Paws & Ears! Works Or Your Money Back. Keep Your Dog Happy & Clean. Protect From Bad Breath, Fleas, Itching, Bald Spots, Looking Unclean + More. Best Pet Probiotics On The Market – Buy 1 Get 1 30% Off! Probiotic Sprays for Dogs
PROBIOTICS FOR DOGS & CATS & BIRDS- NaturPet Pro – Healthy Fur, Skin, Paws & Ears! Works Or Your Money Back. Keep Your Dog Happy & Clean. Protect From Bad Breath, Fleas, Itching, Bald Spots, Looking Unclean + More. Best Pet Probiotics On The Market – Buy 1 Get 1 30% Off! Probiotic Sprays for Dogs
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Drink More Water to Reduce Stress Says Chinese Medicine Practitioner on Sharon Kleyne Hour
Drink More Water to Reduce Stress Says Chinese Medicine Practitioner on Sharon Kleyne Hour
Grants Pass, OR (PRWEB) June 19, 2014
Psychological stress can cause the human body to lose water and become dehydrated and diseased. Conversely, physical dehydration, or loss of water, can cause psychological stress. Because of the complex relationship between stress and water, any treatment for dehydration or stress must include drinking more water, reported Chinese Medicine Practitioner and presidential appointee Effie Chow, PhD, during her June 16, 2014 interview on the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water radio show.
Effie Chow was born in China and grew up in a traditional family. After moving to the United States, she became a registered nurse. Although she supported Western medical practice, she concluded that Traditional Chinese Medicine, particularly Qi-Gong, had enormous potential value in maintaining health. Chow is Founder of the East-West Academy of Healing Arts in San Francisco, has authored several books, and in 2000, served on President Clinton’s White House Conference on Complimentary and Alternative Medicine.
The globally syndicated Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water® radio show, with host Sharon Kleyne, is heard on VoiceAmerica and Apple iTunes. Kleyne is Founder of Bio Logic Aqua Research, a fresh water, atmosphere and health research, and product development center. Natures Tears® EyeMist®, a 100% pure water mist, is the Research Center’s global signature product for dry eyes. Effie Chow is a frequent Sharon Kleyne Hour guest.
In the traditional Chinese healing discipline of “Qi-gong,” according to Chow, water is one of the “Five Elements of Life.” The others are earth, fire, wood and metal. Qi-Gong philosophy teaches that each element controls a different part of the body and a different emotion, and that water is the element that integrates all other elements and prevents dehydration. The organs most directly affected by water are the kidneys and bladder.
The words “Qi-gong,” Chow explains, mean “life force.” Since life on Earth can not exist without water, and since human bodies are 75 percent water, water is recognized in Qi-gong as the basis not only of all life but of the essential life force that sustains life.
A large percentage of her patients, says Chow, show symptoms of both emotional stress and physical dehydration in addition to their health complaints. Kleyne adds that the aging process is basically a dehydration process – the skin becomes thin and dry, the mouth produces less saliva, the eyes produce fewer tears, etc. Chow and Kleyne agree that increasing one’s daily water intake can significantly slow the aging process. Kleyne cautions that no two people are alike, we each have different water needs, and we all age differently.
Chow recommends drinking four glasses of water upon rising in the morning and Kleyne recommends drinking at least eight glasses per day in addition to all other fluid intake.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, according to Chow, always includes looking at the general health of the whole body and finding out what’s going on in the patient’s life. If the patient complains of a cold, Kleyne adds, the practitioner can treat the cold symptoms but should also investigate whether the patient’s lifestyle might be making them more susceptible to colds. Dehydration can increases susceptibility to colds and many other diseases.
Qi-gong teaches that the body is a microcosm or the Earth and the Universe, Chow explains. The body even has its own humid atmosphere, says Kleyne.. If the body dries out, the skin reacts the same way the skin of the Earth reacts – the surface dries up, life slows down, and it takes much longer for disturbances to repair themselves. Disturbances in both the body and in the Earth’s ecosystems have a domino effect that can result in many additional unintended disturbances.
And the cure could be as simple as an extra glass of water each day.
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Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Carnegie Council Presents “Ethics & International Affairs” Summer 2014 Issue Featuring Articles on Human Rights, Drones, and Much More
Carnegie Council Presents “Ethics & International Affairs” Summer 2014 Issue Featuring Articles on Human Rights, Drones, and Much More
(PRWEB) June 16, 2014
Carnegie Council’s journal “Ethics & International Affairs” is pleased to announce the publication of its summer 2014 issue.
This issue features essays by Roger Berkowitz on “Drones and the Question of ‘The Human'” and Alan Sussman on the philosophical foundations of human rights; a special centennial roundtable on “The Future of Human Rights,” featuring Beth A. Simmons, Philip Alston, James W. Nickel, Jack Donnelly, and Andrew Gilmour; a review essay by Jens Bartelson on empire and sovereignty; and book reviews.
The entire issue is free online for a limited time.
Go to
Drones and the Question of “The Human”
Roger Berkowitz
In our headlong embrace of drone technology, we are forgetting to ask two basic questions: What is a drone? And what does it mean that the once obvious boundary separating human and machine intelligence is being diminished?
Why Human Rights Are Called Human Rights
Alan Sussman
No one can engage in commerce when deprived of liberty or autonomy. No one can create or imagine or love when consumed by fear. We need human rights to permit ourselves the possibility of being human.
The Future of the Human Rights Movement
Beth A. Simmons
More than twenty years have passed since the end of the Cold War, and the time when people spoke in triumphal terms of the global success of Western values is now a fading memory. The modern human rights movement is at a critical juncture in its history.
Against a World Court for Human Rights
Philip Alston
A World Court is not just an idea whose time has not yet come. The very idea fundamentally misconceives the nature of the challenges confronting an international community dedicated to eliminating major human rights violations
What Future for Human Rights?
James W. Nickel
The field of human rights covers many different beliefs, norms, institutions, and activities, and these may well have different futures. Some may flourish while others wither—along with the social movements that support them.
State Sovereignty and International Human Rights
Jack Donnelly
An increasingly robust international politics of human rights will provide valuable support to domestic advocates, help to impede backsliding, and in at least a few cases decisively tip the balance in favor of human rights at moments of transition.
The Future of Human Rights: A View from the United Nations
Andrew Gilmour
It is with respect to human rights that the UN has experienced some of its greatest shortcomings. The new “Rights up Front” plan may help remedy that deficiency.
From Empire to Sovereignty—and Back?
Jens Bartelson
How do empires and sovereign states relate, conceptually as well as historically? It is no coincidence that many historians of political thought are in the process of rewriting the history of sovereignty in light of its changing status.
Climate Matters: Ethics in a Warming World by John Broome
Review by Dale Jamieson
This book greatly contributes to our attempts to meet the challenge of climate change and to answer the difficult questions that it raises.
Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency by Lea Ypi
Review by Tom Bailey
In this book, Ypi proposes that theory begin with a specific political conflict, diagnose the failure of existing practices and norms to resolve it, and, in this light, develop better practices and norms.
Fairness in Practice: A Social Contract for a Global Economy by Aaron James
Review by Simon Cotton
This book brings political economy, international relations, and development economics into conversation with moral philosophy, making a critical contribution to the ethics of globalization.
Founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1914, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs is an educational, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that produces lectures, publications, and multimedia materials on the ethical challenges of living in a globalized world. To learn more, go to
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Natural Herbal Remedies Guide: Old World Cures, Home Remedies, and Natural Treatments For Health and Wellness. Includes Recipes for Colds, Allergies, Pain, Sore Throats and Much More!
Natural Herbal Remedies Guide: Old World Cures, Home Remedies, and Natural Treatments For Health and Wellness. Includes Recipes for Colds, Allergies, Pain, Sore Throats and Much More!
Amazon #1 Bestselling Guide with over 7000 downloads. Join The Natural Health Revolution!
Updated With Seven New Cold and Flu Recipes To Fight Off Those Winter Bugs.
Tired of Prescriptions and Ineffective Treatments? Old World Natural Herbal Remedies Are a Reliable, Cost Effective and Non-Toxic Treatment Proven To Boost Your Whole Body and Well Being.
Blessings and Welcome For Joining The Natural Health Movement!
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Is a Dietary Supplement with More Ingredients Better?; polyDNA Answers Survey Question and Recommends Novirin, a Dietary Supplement with Just Five Ingredients
Is a Dietary Supplement with More Ingredients Better?; polyDNA Answers Survey Question and Recommends Novirin, a Dietary Supplement with Just Five Ingredients
Rochester, NY (PRWEB) April 27, 2014
polyDNA’s latest survey discovered that 74% of respondents wondered if dietary supplements with many ingredients were “better” than those with just a few. Some companies claim that more ingredients make dietary supplements more effective. However, the FDA notes that part of the safe use of dietary supplements is ensuring that natural products do not have “too much or too little of a dietary ingredient.” (See the FDA, last updated December 7, 2013) (1). In addition, “Manufacturers are responsible for substantiating the safety of dietary ingredients and also for determining that certain structure/function and other claims they make about their products are substantiated by adequate evidence to show that the claims are truthful and not misleading (1).” Novirin was designed with exactly the right number of ingredients at the right doses to target latent viruses in infected individuals. Customers of polyDNA can trust this claim because a post marketing clinical study showed that, as predicted, individuals infected with HPV, EBV, HSV, HCMV, and HCV reported a safe decrease in their symptoms following treatment with the Novirin formula.
“Dietary supplements contain a variety of ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbs or other botanicals. Research has confirmed health benefits of some dietary supplements but not others.” (See the NIH, last updated March 2013) (2). Research confirms that Novirin is one of the dietary supplements with proven health benefits.
Novirin shares the same formula as Gene-Eden-VIR, which was shown to “safely and effectively decrease symptoms in individuals infected with the HPV, HSV, EBV, HCMV, and HCV.” (See Pharmacology & Pharmacy, from September 2013) (3).
The difference between the two products is that Novirin has higher quality, more expensive ingredients. The Novirin/Gene-Eden-VIR formula was tested in two post-marketing clinical studies published in September 2013 and March 2014, respectively, in the peer reviewed medical journal Pharmacy & Pharmacology (3).
Interested individuals can view the two published studies here, and
“We urge the public to have the highest trust in dietary supplements, like Novirin, that were tested directly in a clinical study and were proven safe and effective.” – Mike Evans, polyDNA
Each ingredient of Novirin was chosen through a scientific approach. Scientists scanned thousands of scientific and medical papers published in various medical and scientific journals around the world to identify the highest quality, safest, most effective natural ingredients that target latent viruses.
A second clinical study showed that the Novirin/Gene-Eden-VIR formula decreased physical and mental fatigue. (See Pharmacology & Pharmacy, from March, 2014) (4).
To learn more about Novirin, visit and about Gene-Eden-VIR, visit
All orders of these products are completely confidential, and no information is shared or sold to any third party. Privacy is assured.
(1) FDA – For Consumers – Final Rule Promotes Safe Use of Dietary Supplements. Last updated on December 7, 2013.
(2) NIH – National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) – Using Dietary Supplements Wisely. Last updated March 2013.
(3) Gene-Eden-VIR Is Antiviral: Results of a Post Marketing Clinical Study. Published on August 12, 2013.
(4) Gene-Eden-VIR Decreased Physical and Mental Fatigue in a Post Marketing Clinical Study That Followed FDA Guidelines; Results Support Microcompetition Theory. Published in March 2014.
polyDNA is a biotechnology company that develops dietary supplements using the unique scientific method developed by Dr. Hanan Polansky, which is based on Computer Intuition.
In addition to his unique scientific method, Dr. Polansky published the highly acclaimed scientific discovery, called Microcompetition with Foreign DNA. The discovery explains how foreign DNA fragments, and specifically, DNA of latent viruses, cause most major diseases.
polyDNA developed Novirin, an antiviral natural remedy that helps the immune system kill latent viruses.
©Copyright 1997-, Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Homemade Beauty Care! 30 Secret Natural Recipes To Creating A More Youthful Looking Skin!
Homemade Beauty Care! 30 Secret Natural Recipes To Creating A More Youthful Looking Skin!
30 Time-Tested And Proven Homemade Beauty Care Tips, Regimes And Secrets! Your key to youthful, healthier skin begins here today. Simple skin care tips that are inexpensive that has been proven to work.
Each natural recipe is carefully selected and is presented with in-depth explanation, description and instructions so that you can apply the recipes and tips immediately. Beauty care at home has never been this easier! Safe, easy to read and proven to work, protect your skin today!
A-Z of Traditional Home Remedies
Nowadays when there is anything wrong with us we are used to purchasing a whole range of patent medicines
over the pharmacist’s counter or to going to our doctor to get a drug especially prescribed for us. This, however, is a recent development in the history of mankind. The drugs revolution did not really get under way until after World War II, although of course doctors had recourse to a range of medications before that.
In contrast with the drugs revolution, folk medicine d
Mobile Health Clinic more than just Alternative Health and Wellness Choices-Dr. Holly Fourchalk
Mobile Health Clinic more than just Alternative Health and Wellness Choices-Dr. Holly Fourchalk (604) 764-5203 http://www.choi…