Archive for the ‘Herbs’ Category
Progene® Celebrates National Chiropractor Health Month by Recognizing Top Chiropractors in Its Network
Cincinnati, OH (PRWEB) October 21, 2014
The American Chiropractic Association declared October to be “National Chiropractic Health Month.” This year’s campaign theme, “Conservative Care First,” showcases the profession’s moderate approach to pain management and healthcare management- highly relevant to the 55 million American men experiencing signs of low testosterone.
In the past, men would try riskier treatments before finding a chiropractor. Today, that approach has been reversed. Medical research and guidelines support the idea that patients should exhaust conservative, natural approaches to healthcare before resorting to other, more complex options that involve multiple doctors and synthetic prescriptions.
“Chiropractic is over 100 years old and the third largest health care science in America,” writes chiropractor Bill Hayes, who has spent over 30 years running Thermopolis Chiropractic Clinic in Wyoming. “I enjoy practicing a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care.”
Some chiropractic clinics have an additional focus on sports. Dr. Joseph Keith is a great example. “My passion is sports medicine and the treatment of athletes. My Sports & Family Medicine Clinic is located in Alaska, and I’ve developed a multitude of chiropractic techniques and systems in order to fully treat my patients.”
“We are seeing more healthcare providers like Dr. Hayes & Dr. Keith enroll in Progene’s®network in their search for alternative, natural solutions that complement their medical expertise,” says Michael Lee of Progene®.
As a means of connecting Progene® customers to providers, enrollment in Progene’s® network is free and takes only 30 seconds at
Finally, don’t forget to enjoy National Chiropractic Health Month. Free tools are available to help celebrate at
About Progene®
For over 10 years, Progene® continues to lead the low-testosterone market by addressing the natural decline of testosterone levels in men as they age. Progene’s® unique formula contains more than 15 botanical extracts and clinically proven testosterone precursors that help provide men the ingredients needed to naturally produce more testosterone.
Progene® continues to evolve and innovate. Not only is Progene® the only supplement brand in the country with an At-Home Testosterone Test Kit, but also the only brand with a national network of healthcare professionals who recommend Progene®.
Progene® is sold nationwide at Costco, Rite Aid, GNC Stores, Meijer, Stop & Shop, Bi-Lo Winn-Dixie, Vitamin Shoppe,, Sears Marketplace, Harris Teeter Groceries, Brookshire’s Food & Drug,,, and more than 150 other local and regional retailers.
For more information about Progene® products, call 888-PROGENE, visit, or go to
PR Contact: Judith Hokanson at 513-477-7973 or toll free at 877-887-9409
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Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Topical BioMedics Announces “Soothe the Skin They’re in,” a New Program for Children Who Suffer with Eczema
Topical BioMedics Announces “Soothe the Skin They’re in,” a New Program for Children Who Suffer with Eczema
Rhinebeck, NY (PRWEB) October 20, 2014
Topical BioMedics, Inc., announces its new program to help relieve the discomfort and pain of children who suffer with eczema by sending their parents a free tube of their proprietary topical product, Topricin Junior for Children. Formulated especially for a child’s sensitive kin, Topricin Junior is a natural way to help the body heal the skin as it helps relieve itching, redness, pain, and discomfort.
The statistics are staggering. According to the National Eczema Association, there are 31.6 million people in the United States who suffer with eczema—and many of them are children.
Eczema is the most common skin problem treated by pediatric dermatologists. About 65% of their young patients develop symptoms before age one, and about 90% of them before age five. Adolescents and adults can also develop this condition, and individuals who had eczema as a child may experience reoccurrences later in life.
A non-contagious inflammatory skin condition, the term eczema is derived from Greek, meaning “to boil out.” The name is appropriate since to ancient medical practitioners the skin may have appeared to be “boiling.”
Eczema can appear anywhere on the body or in just a few areas. Common symptoms include dry, red, itchy skin, bumps, and rashes, which can be oozing or very dry. In babies, a rash often appears on the face and scalp, but the symptoms of eczema vary from child to child, and rashes can be found on the back of the knees, bend in the elbows, trunk, wrists, hands, feet, and other parts of the body.
No matter which part of the skin is affected, eczema is usually itchy. But scratching can make the rash worse, and may eventually lead to thickened, brownish areas on the skin and/or cause an infection.
The National Eczema Association has given voice to the children who are afflicted with eczema, and the things they say can break your heart. Things like: “I feel uncomfortable in the skin I’m in.” “Eczema makes me feel left out and sad.” “Eczema is hard to live with.” “It hurts when people stare.” And, the simple, poignant statement “I feel bad.”
Unfortunately, the primary reason that most people remain suffering with eczema is because there is an incomplete understanding of the disease and what causes it. In addition, many of the Rx medicines for eczema and other skin issues have side effects, some of which are severe.
A child’s skin is more sensitive to pain than an adult’s skin, and they feel pain more intensely,” says Lou Paradise, president and chief of research, Topical BioMedics. “They are little people—not little adults—and adult medications may not be appropriate for them. Children need gentler, safer, effective treatments. Understanding and treating the cause of eczema, not just symptoms, is key.”
Topricin Junior for Children is made especially for children’s delicate skin, and is free of parabens, petroleum, and other harsh chemicals. Formulated with a combination of gentle yet effective natural biomedicines, it is historically ideal in treating pain and skin issues. Topricin Junior offers a safe, natural way to help the body heal the skin as it relieves itching, redness, pain, and discomfort.
A winner of the Parent Tested/Parent Approved Seal of Approval, Topricin Junior brings soothing relief and provides rapid healing for the pain and discomfort of symptoms associated with eczema ; rosacea; dry, cracked skin; sun and wind burn; bug bites; and minor burns.
“As a parent and grandparent, I know there is nothing worse than seeing your little one suffering in pain and discomfort,” says Paradise. “That’s why I am honored to offer a free tube of Topricin Junior to parents whose children are afflicted with eczema.”
Parents can receive Topricin Junior at no charge (just .00 for shipping and handling) by calling 800-959-1007 or visiting Offer good while supplies last.
Topricin® Junior for Children is specially formulated for delicate skin. Pediatrician recommended, this paraben- and petroleum-free formula treats pain associated with a wide range of common children’s injuries—without side effects. It’s perfect for muscle sprains and strains, eczema, back, heel and knee pain, and overall growing pains. Odorless and formulated for easy absorption, it’s also a multi-purpose healing cream for everyday bruising, scrapes, scratches, minor burns and insect bites. Topricin Junior does not contain any of the hazardous active ingredients found in many over-the-counter (OTC) oral pain medications, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and uses no volatile oils such as camphor, menthol, and other irritating chemicals used in most OTC topical analgesics. Rather, it stimulates the body’s desire to heal the damage that is causing the pain. Recipient of the Parent Tested/Parent Approved Seal of Approval. 5% gross sales donated to pediatric cancer foundations.
20 years in business and a Certified B Corporation, Topical BioMedics is a research and development leader in topical patented natural biomedicines for pain relief. The company’s flagship product, Topricin® Pain Relief and Healing Cream, was introduced in 1994 and is now a leading natural therapeutic brand. A combination biomedicine formula, Topricin has been awarded a patent for the treatment of pain associated with fibromyalgia and neuropathy, and was listed among the Top 100 Green Products of 2012 by Healthy Holistic Living.
The Topricin family of natural healing products also includes Topricin Foot Therapy Cream, specially formulated to treat painful foot and ankle issues and conditions, and Topricin for Children, which received the Parent Tested Parent Approved Seal of Approval (with 5% of sales donated to pediatric cancer foundations). Made in the U.S.A., all Topricin products are federally-regulated over-the-counter medicines with no known side effects, no parabens, petroleum, or other harsh chemicals, no grease, and no odor.
Topical BioMedics has assisted hundreds of thousands of people suffering with pain and those addicted to painkillers to achieve fully restored and robust healthy living. Because of the company’s experience in addressing the challenges of pain and addiction it has launched its “Get Relief, Give Relief” initiative: for every purchase of Topricin, Topricin Foot Therapy, or Topricin for Children ordered directly from the company, it will donate a tube of Topricin to a credible pain clinic on the customer’s behalf…Free. The company invites the public to join its army of pain relief warriors determined to help those in need by ending suffering and painkiller addiction and restoring hope and the joy of living life to the fullest. To “Get Relief, Give Relief,” order from or call 1-800-LES-PAIN (537-7246).
Topical BioMedics now offers TopTrack, a new app for on-the-go pain tracking and monitoring. TopTrack is available free of charge for iPad via the App Store, and will roll out on additional devices in the coming months.
Topricin is available in independent pharmacies, natural food and co-op stores nationwide, including Whole Foods, Sprouts, Pharmaca, The Vitamin Shoppe, Fred Meyer, Wegmans, CVS (Foot Care Section), Walgreens (Diabetic Section), and other fine retailers, as well as directly from the company.
For more information visit
Topical BioMedics
National Eczema Association
American Academy of Pediatrics
American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
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Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & More: Choosing the Nutrients That Are Right for You
What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & More: Choosing the Nutrients That Are Right for You
Almost 75 percent of health and longevity is based on lifestyle, environment, and nutrition. Yet even if you follow a healthful diet, you probably don’t get all the nutrients you need to prevent disease. In What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & More, Dr. Pamela Smith explains how you can maintain health through the use of nutrients.
Part One of this easy-to-use guide discusses the individual nutrients necessary for good health. Part Two offers personalized nutritional p
List Price: $ 15.95
Why Vitamins and Minerals Treat…Heal and Reverse PCOS
Learn how supplements treat, heal and even reverse your PCOS symptoms. Did you know that the medical community is now beginning to understand how vitally imp…
Pregnancy Nutrition continued. Specifically, what vitamins and minerals are necessary and why.
David Vanderpool, M.D. Speaks on Maternal Health Model at ?The Mother & Child Project? Conference
David Vanderpool, M.D. Speaks on Maternal Health Model at ‘The Mother & Child Project’ Conference
Nashville, TN (PRWEB) October 02, 2014
David Vanderpool, M.D., CEO and founder of LiveBeyond, recently spoke at “The Mother and Child Project” conference at Brentwood Baptist Church to share how his organization is addressing maternal and infant health issues in Thomazeau, Haiti.
He spoke alongside global health experts including former Senate majority leader Bill Frist, M.D., and representatives from national organizations including, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Hope Through Healing Hands, Compassion International and World Vision.
Hope Through Healing Hands (HTHH), a Nashville-based global health organization, sponsored the conference to raise awareness around maternal health needs in the developing world, and how local and national organizations are educating and caring for mothers and children worldwide.
At the conference, Dr. Vanderpool shared his experiences implementing a maternal health program in Thomazeau, Haiti, and the impact of LiveBeyond’s model to educate and support expectant mothers in the community.
“Our long-term presence in the Thomazeau region has allowed LiveBeyond to touch the lives of more than 2,000 expectant mothers in the community,” said Vanderpool. “As the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, these women did not have access to basic medical care and maternal education prior to the establishment of our program, which resulted in a devastatingly high maternal and infant mortality rate.”
“Through our maternal health model, we have substantially decreased the perinatal morality by 66 percent throughout the Thomazeau region by simply educating these women and supporting them throughout their pregnancy.”
LiveBeyond’s maternal health program provides pregnant women with:
Initial screenings and weekly pregnancy monitoring
Weekly provision of prenatal vitamins and nutritional support
Weekly maternal health education
Obstetrical delivery kit
Delivery assistance
Newborn follow-up
All of the speakers at the conference have various methods for addressing maternal and infant health in developing countries, but unite together for one common goal – To save lives of women and children throughout the world.
About LiveBeyond
LiveBeyond is a faith-based 501(C)(3) organization bringing medical and maternal healthcare, clean water, orphanage support and rural development in Thomazeau, Haiti. David Vanderpool, M.D. is the founder and CEO, and resides in Thomazeau, Haiti to oversee daily operations of LiveBeyond.
For more information, visit
©Copyright 1997-, Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vitamins (Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements: Essential or Over-Hyped? Book 1)
Vitamins (Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements: Essential or Over-Hyped? Book 1)
Every day you hear about how our nation is in a crisis in terms of our physical health. Two-thirds of our country is considered over-weight, and in many cases can be defined as obese. You hear about the rise of high blood pressure and Type II Diabetes, just to name a few. And what’s worse is that many of these illnesses are easily preventable with proper nutrition.
Which is where the vitamin, mineral, and supplement industry comes in. Due to various reasons we are not always getting t
BQuick Nutrition Announces Newly Branded BURN Clarinol CLA Powder
BQuick Nutrition Announces Newly Branded BURN Clarinol CLA Powder
Madisonville, Louisiana (PRWEB) September 16, 2014
BQuick Nutrition is pleased to announce new branding and packaging for one of its most popular products – BQuick BURN Clarinol CLA Powder. The new packaging has been designed to educate the general public about the many benefits of the product when it comes to weight management and building lean muscle mass. As well as having a contemporary new look, the packaging will now detail product benefits, supplement facts, and nutritional information – making it easier for customers to choose the product when deciding on the right supplement for their personal goals.
BQuick BURN Clarinol CLA Powder has been scientifically proven to help reduce body fat, and increase the amount of muscle on the body – making it effective for males and females who are committed to achieving their body transformation goals. Other benefits of BQuick BURN Clarinol CLA Powder include assisting with blood sugar stabilization, aiding with cholesterol level, maintaining a healthy physique and improving the composition of the body. BQuick Burn is an antioxidant that contains only 100% pure conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and is free from Gluten. The product is also suitable for vegetarians and those on non-dairy and non-GMO diets, as well as being Halal certified and Kosher certified. Its antioxidant properties can also help to improve the cardiovascular system.
CLA is an all natural ingredient that has been derived from safflower oil, and research suggests that 3 grams of CLA consumed on a daily basis can help to reduce body fat in as little as 8 weeks. BQuick BURN Clarinol CLA Powder complies with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), as well as quality control standards. The product is most effective when incorporated into a healthy diet and exercise plan.
BQuick Founder, Brandt Quick, comments on the new packaging. ” We’re excited that the new branded materials will showcase nutritional information more prominently on the packaging of BQuick BURN Clarinol CLA Powder. This makes it easier for customers to recognize all the benefits of this natural supplement.”
This information will also be displayed on the BQuick Nutrition online store, so customers can learn about the ingredients and benefits of the product before they make a purchase. The newly designed 4.25 oz (120 g) tubs will now replace older packaging, and includes the BQuick Nutrition logo on the top of the packaging, as well as a green-and-black color scheme.
BQuick Nutrition specialize in nutritional endurance supplements of the highest quality, all of which focus on improving nutritional aspects of health. Their products can help you perform better when training, and can provide your body with the essential nutrients and vitamins it needs on a daily basis. With products ranging from sports endurance products to weight management blends, BQuick Nutrition understands that not all nutritional supplements are manufactured in the same way. That’s why all their ingredients have nutritional value, and are free from artificial fillers and additives. The company is based in Louisiana, and adhere to the strictest safety standards when manufacturing their products.
For more information about the new packaging of Clarinol, or for sales and press inquiries, please visit or call 1-855-TRY-BQUICK(855-879-2784).
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Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
JUJU® 8Pcs Beauty Flawless Makeup Blender Comestic Sponge Puff (size 2)
JUJU® 8Pcs Beauty Flawless Makeup Blender Comestic Sponge Puff (size 2)
- Made of Deluxe Hydrophilicity Polyurethane,Rich in Vitamin E for the skin to absorb nutrients and maintain water,moisturizing the skin
- Washable and Reusable: Easy to wash using mild dish soap or baby shampoo,Gives flawless foundation application every single time. Put makeup on like a pro – evenly distributes makeup so no areas with too much or too little coverage
- Creates an amazing even, natural flawless finish that is difficult to achieve with other makeup sponges, brushes or fingers
- Works with all makeup, including creams, liquids, minerals, and powders; does not soak up excessive amounts of product like other sponges
- Package includes: 4PCS Bottle Gourd+4PCS Tear Drop Shape,color may random
Apply makeup like a PRO!
– Bottle Gourd Makeup Blender
– Tear Drop Make up Blender
Latex Free: It won’t cause allergy
Made of Deluxe Hydrophilicity Polyurethane
– Rich in Vitamin E for the skin to absorb nutrients and maintain water; moisturizing the skin
Professional Makeup Studio Quality
Long-lasting, Washable, and Reusable
– Use mild soap for cleaning, air dry for next use
Evenly distributing makeup coverage
– No streaks and no areas with too much m
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