Posts Tagged ‘Skin’
8 Reasons the U.S. Surgeon General Should Announce UV Tanning Causes Skin Cancer
8 Reasons the U.S. Surgeon General Should Announce UV Tanning Causes Skin Cancer
AURORA, Colo. (PRWEB) April 08, 2015
A July 2014 Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer by acting Surgeon General Dr. Boris Lushniak points out that indoor tanning is “strongly associated with increased skin cancer risk,” but stops short of reporting that tanning causes cancer. A University of Colorado Cancer Center opinion published today in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine points out that UV tanning meets the same criteria as smoking as a cause of cancer and argues that announcing the causality could save lives.
“In 1964 when the Surgeon General finally reported that smoking causes lung cancer, awareness and policy followed. Smoking rates declined and lung cancer rates have too. It’s time for the Surgeon General to say the same thing about UV tanning,” says Robert P. Dellavalle, MD, PhD, MSPH, investigator at the CU Cancer Center, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, and the study’s senior author.
There are nine criteria used to determine a causal relationship in disease, developed in the context of smoking and lung cancer in 1965 by British epidemiologist Sir Austin Bradford Hill. Smoking and UV tanning both meet eight of the nine criteria, as follows:
1. Strength of Association
How much more likely is skin cancer in people who have used tanning beds? Numbers vary, but Dellavalle and colleagues point to analyses of large populations of people showing that skin cancer risk is about 16 percent more likely in people who report ever having used a tanning bed. The strength of the association between smoking and lung cancer is even stronger, with smokers being 35 percent more likely than non-smokers to get lung cancer, but in terms of epidemiology, the 16 percent increased risk of skin cancer in ever-users of UV tanning remains strong.
2. Consistency of Association
Dellavalle and colleagues point out that the link between UV tanning and skin cancer isn’t limited to a specific population or nationality. The association is consistent in all studies.
3. Specificity
A cause that leads to many effects is trickier to pin down than a cause that leads to one effect. The one-to-one relationship of UV radiation to skin cancer is long established.
4. Temporality
This may seem obvious, but in order for cause and effect to be true, the cause must happen before the effect. With UV tanning and skin cancer, we see that ever-use of tanning beds precedes increased risk for skin cancer.
5. Biological Gradient
The more an individual smokes, the more likely they are to contract lung cancer. And the more one uses UV tanning beds, the more likely they are to get skin cancer. Specifically, Dellavalle points out that, “Each additional tanning bed session per year confers a 1.8 percent increase in melanoma risk.”
6. Plausibility
Is there a plausible way that UV tanning could cause skin cancer? Sure. UV rays from tanning beds penetrate the skins epidermal layer and may induce DNA alternations that promote the formation of cancer.
7. Coherence
The data of lab experiments and population studies is coherent, meaning that data from both sources point toward a similar conclusion.
8. Experiment
Scientists have used UV radiation to cause skin cancer in animal models. But, just as it is unethical to encourage people to smoke in order to see if smoking causes lung cancer, it is unethical to encourage people to tan in order to see if tanning causes skin cancer. Dellavalle points out that lack of ability to test the effect of UV tanning on cancer in a randomized control trial is “a primary advantage for the tanning industry, which claims that there is lack of true science behind cancer-causing claims.”
9. Analogy
People with skin types that burn easily have higher rates of skin cancer. It’s analogous to tanning as a whole: the more burned someone gets, the higher their risk.
Dellavalle points out that most cancers are seen as the result of random, genetic mutations that unluckily allow cells to act cancerous. “But skin cancer and lung cancer are preventable types of cancer – reduce smoking and you reduce lung cancer; reduce UV exposure and you reduce skin cancer,” he says.
“It’s much easier to help people understand that indoor tanning causes cancer than it is to message something more convoluted about ‘association’,” Dellavalle says. “Tanning beds cause skin cancer. It is time to now more openly announce this causality.”
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Skin Care from the Greek Islands: announces the re-launch of Korres
Skin Care from the Greek Islands: announces the re-launch of Korres
Gold River, CA (PRWEB) October 23, 2014, the nation’s leading e-commerce specialty retailer providing scientifically sound solutions for healing and maintaining healthy skin, has added Korres skin care back into its assortment of premium products.
Greece is one of the most biologically diverse nations in the world, due to the vast differences in the topography, from the mountains to the Aegean islands. The rich flora that thrives in the unique microclimates inspired the creation of Korres in 1996. Founder George Korres studied pharmacology at the University of Athens, as well as homeopathy at the first homeopathic pharmacy in Greece. It was there that he envisioned developing a natural skin care line, using his knowledge of herbal remedies.
Korres is known for many signature products, including Korres Wild Rose 24-Hour Moisturising and Brightening Cream, which contains Wild Rose oil, a natural source of Vitamin C. The multi-tasking cream helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and skin discolorations, while moisturizing and creating a protective layer to improve skin texture.
Heather Drouillard, Buying Manager at, said, “We’re thrilled to offer our customers Korres once again. The unique natural products are formulated with healing, soothing, active ingredients found only in Greece.”
Physician-founded in 1997, SkinStore carries over 300 premium brands of skin care, cosmetics, hair care, beauty tools and fragrances from around the world, including high quality products normally found in luxury spas, fine department stores and dermatologist offices. An esthetician-staffed call center is available Monday through Friday to answer customer questions and help shoppers choose products best-suited for their skin type. The company is headquartered in Gold River (Sacramento), California. For more information visit, or
Contact Information
Denise McDonald, Content & Production Manager
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Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Related Natural Remedies Press Releases
Topical BioMedics Announces “Soothe the Skin They’re in,” a New Program for Children Who Suffer with Eczema
Topical BioMedics Announces “Soothe the Skin They’re in,” a New Program for Children Who Suffer with Eczema
Rhinebeck, NY (PRWEB) October 20, 2014
Topical BioMedics, Inc., announces its new program to help relieve the discomfort and pain of children who suffer with eczema by sending their parents a free tube of their proprietary topical product, Topricin Junior for Children. Formulated especially for a child’s sensitive kin, Topricin Junior is a natural way to help the body heal the skin as it helps relieve itching, redness, pain, and discomfort.
The statistics are staggering. According to the National Eczema Association, there are 31.6 million people in the United States who suffer with eczema—and many of them are children.
Eczema is the most common skin problem treated by pediatric dermatologists. About 65% of their young patients develop symptoms before age one, and about 90% of them before age five. Adolescents and adults can also develop this condition, and individuals who had eczema as a child may experience reoccurrences later in life.
A non-contagious inflammatory skin condition, the term eczema is derived from Greek, meaning “to boil out.” The name is appropriate since to ancient medical practitioners the skin may have appeared to be “boiling.”
Eczema can appear anywhere on the body or in just a few areas. Common symptoms include dry, red, itchy skin, bumps, and rashes, which can be oozing or very dry. In babies, a rash often appears on the face and scalp, but the symptoms of eczema vary from child to child, and rashes can be found on the back of the knees, bend in the elbows, trunk, wrists, hands, feet, and other parts of the body.
No matter which part of the skin is affected, eczema is usually itchy. But scratching can make the rash worse, and may eventually lead to thickened, brownish areas on the skin and/or cause an infection.
The National Eczema Association has given voice to the children who are afflicted with eczema, and the things they say can break your heart. Things like: “I feel uncomfortable in the skin I’m in.” “Eczema makes me feel left out and sad.” “Eczema is hard to live with.” “It hurts when people stare.” And, the simple, poignant statement “I feel bad.”
Unfortunately, the primary reason that most people remain suffering with eczema is because there is an incomplete understanding of the disease and what causes it. In addition, many of the Rx medicines for eczema and other skin issues have side effects, some of which are severe.
A child’s skin is more sensitive to pain than an adult’s skin, and they feel pain more intensely,” says Lou Paradise, president and chief of research, Topical BioMedics. “They are little people—not little adults—and adult medications may not be appropriate for them. Children need gentler, safer, effective treatments. Understanding and treating the cause of eczema, not just symptoms, is key.”
Topricin Junior for Children is made especially for children’s delicate skin, and is free of parabens, petroleum, and other harsh chemicals. Formulated with a combination of gentle yet effective natural biomedicines, it is historically ideal in treating pain and skin issues. Topricin Junior offers a safe, natural way to help the body heal the skin as it relieves itching, redness, pain, and discomfort.
A winner of the Parent Tested/Parent Approved Seal of Approval, Topricin Junior brings soothing relief and provides rapid healing for the pain and discomfort of symptoms associated with eczema ; rosacea; dry, cracked skin; sun and wind burn; bug bites; and minor burns.
“As a parent and grandparent, I know there is nothing worse than seeing your little one suffering in pain and discomfort,” says Paradise. “That’s why I am honored to offer a free tube of Topricin Junior to parents whose children are afflicted with eczema.”
Parents can receive Topricin Junior at no charge (just .00 for shipping and handling) by calling 800-959-1007 or visiting Offer good while supplies last.
Topricin® Junior for Children is specially formulated for delicate skin. Pediatrician recommended, this paraben- and petroleum-free formula treats pain associated with a wide range of common children’s injuries—without side effects. It’s perfect for muscle sprains and strains, eczema, back, heel and knee pain, and overall growing pains. Odorless and formulated for easy absorption, it’s also a multi-purpose healing cream for everyday bruising, scrapes, scratches, minor burns and insect bites. Topricin Junior does not contain any of the hazardous active ingredients found in many over-the-counter (OTC) oral pain medications, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and uses no volatile oils such as camphor, menthol, and other irritating chemicals used in most OTC topical analgesics. Rather, it stimulates the body’s desire to heal the damage that is causing the pain. Recipient of the Parent Tested/Parent Approved Seal of Approval. 5% gross sales donated to pediatric cancer foundations.
20 years in business and a Certified B Corporation, Topical BioMedics is a research and development leader in topical patented natural biomedicines for pain relief. The company’s flagship product, Topricin® Pain Relief and Healing Cream, was introduced in 1994 and is now a leading natural therapeutic brand. A combination biomedicine formula, Topricin has been awarded a patent for the treatment of pain associated with fibromyalgia and neuropathy, and was listed among the Top 100 Green Products of 2012 by Healthy Holistic Living.
The Topricin family of natural healing products also includes Topricin Foot Therapy Cream, specially formulated to treat painful foot and ankle issues and conditions, and Topricin for Children, which received the Parent Tested Parent Approved Seal of Approval (with 5% of sales donated to pediatric cancer foundations). Made in the U.S.A., all Topricin products are federally-regulated over-the-counter medicines with no known side effects, no parabens, petroleum, or other harsh chemicals, no grease, and no odor.
Topical BioMedics has assisted hundreds of thousands of people suffering with pain and those addicted to painkillers to achieve fully restored and robust healthy living. Because of the company’s experience in addressing the challenges of pain and addiction it has launched its “Get Relief, Give Relief” initiative: for every purchase of Topricin, Topricin Foot Therapy, or Topricin for Children ordered directly from the company, it will donate a tube of Topricin to a credible pain clinic on the customer’s behalf…Free. The company invites the public to join its army of pain relief warriors determined to help those in need by ending suffering and painkiller addiction and restoring hope and the joy of living life to the fullest. To “Get Relief, Give Relief,” order from or call 1-800-LES-PAIN (537-7246).
Topical BioMedics now offers TopTrack, a new app for on-the-go pain tracking and monitoring. TopTrack is available free of charge for iPad via the App Store, and will roll out on additional devices in the coming months.
Topricin is available in independent pharmacies, natural food and co-op stores nationwide, including Whole Foods, Sprouts, Pharmaca, The Vitamin Shoppe, Fred Meyer, Wegmans, CVS (Foot Care Section), Walgreens (Diabetic Section), and other fine retailers, as well as directly from the company.
For more information visit
Topical BioMedics
National Eczema Association
American Academy of Pediatrics
American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
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?Home Remedies For Wrinkles And Age Spots On Face And Body,? A New Report On, Reveals Natural And Effective Methods For Dealing With Skin Problems
“Home Remedies For Wrinkles And Age Spots On Face And Body,” A New Report On, Reveals Natural And Effective Methods For Dealing With Skin Problems
Seattle, Wa (PRWEB) September 03, 2014
“Home Remedies For Wrinkles And Age Spots On Face And Body,” a new report created by Tiffany Chou on the site shows safe and natural remedies for dealing with skin problems including wrinkles and age spots. In the first part of this report, people will discover some common causes of wrinkles and age spots such as:
Continually repeated facial expressions
Sun exposure: excessive exposure to the midday sun may increase the rate at which wrinkles appear.
Squinting: frequent squinting on sunny days will result in wrinkles around the eyes.
Constant facial expression changes
Tanning booths: the rays in a tanning booth may result in premature wrinkling.
Smoking: smoking can decrease oxygen and blood circulation to the skin, and cause premature wrinkles.
Nutrient deficiencies
In the second part of this article, Tiffany Chou reveals to readers some natural and safe remedies for treating wrinkles and age spots including:
Get enough omega-3 fatty acids
Eat soy foods moderately
Drink lemon juice
Eat bananas
Use olive oil, a good source of antioxidants such as vitamin A and E
Make a home remedy for wrinkles using egg whites
Use vitamins (B-complex vitamins, vitamins A, C, and E) for reducing wrinkles
Make a pomegranate remedy for wrinkles
In the final part of the “Home Remedies For Wrinkles And Age Spots On Face And Body” report, people will find simple and easy tips to reduce wrinkles and age spots including:
Drink adequate water
Sleep enough
Decrease stress
Maintain good eating habits
Practice face massage exercises
Wash face with cool water
Apply sunscreen with UVB or UVA protection
Avoid wrinkles using cool and mild washing
Huy Pham from the site says, “Home Remedies For Wrinkles And Age Spots On Face And Body is a good report that provides safe and natural remedies and tips to get rid of wrinkles and age spots.”
If people want to get more detailed information from the “Home Remedies For Wrinkles And Age Spots On Face And Body” article, they should visit the website:
About Tiffany Chou:
Tiffany Chou is an editor of the website In this website, Tiffany Chou provides people with a collection of tips and remedies for treating wrinkles and age spots.
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Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Related Natural Remedies Press Releases
Skin Whitening Forever eBook Review Reveals Eden Diaz’s Newly Updated Skincare Guide ?
Skin Whitening Forever eBook Review Reveals Eden Diaz’s Newly Updated Skincare Guide –
Seattle, Wa (PRWEB) July 18, 2014
According to the Skin Whitening Forever eBook review recently updated by, this is a helpful guide that features a series of new information on skincare. This guide also consists of natural and safe remedies for whitening age spots, freckles, skin pigmentations, dark underarms, acne marks, and melasma. In addition, in this book, people will learn how to make their own skin lightening creams that are safe and effective for users.
Vkool informs in its Skin Whitening Forever review that the ebook teaches ladies how to choose products that help continuously lighten their skin over time, and how to boost the effectiveness of any skin whitening product. Vkool also writes in its review that readers can easily understand which diets play an important role in whitening their skin and which ones darken their skin even more.
The newly updated methods, as they are reviewed now by Vkool, was developed by an alternative medical practitioner and researcher. Eden Diaz, the author of the Skin Whitening Forever, made his methods available in a complex eBook. Since Eden Diaz released this book, many people have used it to find the best way to lighten their skin without medications.
The review also shows that the Skin Whitening Forever book is currently available online with a wide range of special bonuses. Therefore, women who plan on trying it now should be pleased to discover some complex and interesting guides together with the Skin Whitening Forever eBook.
Upon ordering the Skin Whitening Forever ebook, people will get some special bonuses from Eden Diaz including:
A Handbook of Health
Supplementing With Superfoods
43 Nutrition Secrets Revealed
177 Ways To Burn Calories
7 Secrets to a Good Diet
The Healing Power of Water
Chlorella And Spirulina Are Superfoods For Optimum Health
60-day money back guarantee
Free lifetime Skin Whitening Forever upgrades
Technical support available by phone or by email
Palello Lebaka from the site Vkool – Better information, Better Lives says, “Skin Whitening Forever is a useful book that helps women get back their self esteem to do the things they always want and wear the clothes they really want to wear. The book teaches women how to have a fabulous and even skin tone naturally within a few weeks. In addition, people will have 60 days to decide if they want to keep the Skin Whitening Forever book or get their money back.”
To read the full review and learn more about Eden Diaz’s book, visit the Vkool website at:
To download Skin Whitening Forever book, visit the official website.
About Palello Lebaka: Palello Lebaka is an editor of the website In this website, Palello Lebaka provides people with a collection of tips and advice on how to whiten skin naturally.
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Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
PROBIOTICS FOR DOGS & CATS & BIRDS- NaturPet Pro – Healthy Fur, Skin, Paws & Ears! Works Or Your Money Back. Keep Your Dog Happy & Clean. Protect From Bad Breath, Fleas, Itching, Bald Spots, Looking Unclean + More. Best Pet Probiotics On The Market – Buy 1 Get 1 30% Off! Probiotic Sprays for Dogs
PROBIOTICS FOR DOGS & CATS & BIRDS- NaturPet Pro – Healthy Fur, Skin, Paws & Ears! Works Or Your Money Back. Keep Your Dog Happy & Clean. Protect From Bad Breath, Fleas, Itching, Bald Spots, Looking Unclean + More. Best Pet Probiotics On The Market – Buy 1 Get 1 30% Off! Probiotic Sprays for Dogs
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Skin Care – Blackheads – Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Treat blackheads with natural home remedies by using either coriander leaves or groundnut oil. For complete information check this short video from http://ww…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Treat headaches with natural home remedies by using either cinnamon powder or green tea. For complete information check this short video from http://www.home…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Wake Up to Beautiful Skin: Night Creams from Sublime Beauty
Wake Up to Beautiful Skin: Night Creams from Sublime Beauty® Now on Sale
St. Petersburg, FL (PRWEB) July 08, 2014
Wake up to beautiful skin by using great night products that work during the night.
The Sublime Beauty® founder, Kathy Heshelow, explains, “Two of our products were made specifically for night use: Face Whisperer® Night Cream and the Retinol Serum with Vitamin C.”
Retinol should only be used at night as it breaks down in sunlight. Retinol is typically named by dermatologists as a top choice for skin care regimes. It reduces pore size, heals sun damage, encourages collagen, sloughs off old cells, reduces age spots and much more!
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and “good ally” to skin, included in the special Retinol serum. A brochure about Retinol and Vitamin C benefits is available on the Sublime Beauty® product page.
Matrixyl is a peptide well-known to boost that collagen in skin, which reduces wrinkles and restores skin quality. Loss of collagen as we age is a prime factor in sagging, thinning and wrinkling of skin. Matrixyl is the key ingredient in the Face Whisperer® Night cream, a soothing and comforting cream to use each night.
Use the coupon code TENALL for 10% off any purchase at the Sublime Beauty® webstore. Free standard shipping is given for all purchass and earn VIP points for big discounts with the VIP Club .
Read more here about waking up with beautiful skin at Sublime Beauty® .
ABOUT: Sublime Beauty® is a quality skincare company that focuses on products to “Age Younger”. Products help to boost collagen, hydrate, relax wrinkles and improve skin. A niche includes healthy Skin Brushes. The company webstore offers free standard shipping and a VIP Club. Products also available on Amazon. Sign up for Secret Sales on the webstore.
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Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vitamins For Acne? Minerals, Nutrition, Supplements, Skin, Pimples, Breakouts on Talkin Tuesday!
Hair Tutorial As Seen In This Video! Dairy Free For ACNE? What You Eat …
Missing Link Ultimate Skin & Coat Dog Supplement, 1 LB Reviews
Missing Link Ultimate Skin & Coat Dog Supplement, 1 LB
- Highly-palatable dietary supplement to pets food for better health and longer life
- All formulations provide enzymes, beneficial bacteria, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, mucilage, naturally occurring vitamins, major and trace materials and phytochemicals
- Made from nutrient-rich, human-quality whole foods and food concentrates
- Makes the hair more true to the breed & helps hair re-grow on bald spots
- Available in a 1-pound and 5-pound bag
This highly-palatable dietary supplement to dogs food for better health and longer life. Made from nutrient-rich, human-quality whole foods and food concentrates. Vacuum packed to protect nutrients from losing their potency. All formulations provide enzymes, beneficial bacteria, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, mucilage, naturally occurring vitamins, major and trace materials and phytochemicals. Daily dosage amount kittens up to 5-pound 1/4 teaspoon, 5 to 12-pound 3/4 teaspoon, over 12-poun
List Price: $ 19.99