Archive for October, 2014

Yoga Journal’s: Yoga Remedies for Natural Healing: For Beginners [VHS] Reviews

Yoga Journal’s: Yoga Remedies for Natural Healing: For Beginners [VHS]

Rodney Yee and Patricia Walden guide viewers through five yoga sets to relieve common ailments. While they do warn that these movements are designed for minor ailments (of course, if your ailments are more serious, you should check with a physician) and do not replace a doctor’s consultation, these simple and gentle movements should help alleviate aches and pains associated with stress, indigestion, fatigue, headache, and back problems. The video begins with conscious breathing, which is helpful

List Price: $ 14.98


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Herb is the story of two boys and one lost space alien. It was written for my grandsons and I am willing to share it with yours.


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Progene® Celebrates National Chiropractor Health Month by Recognizing Top Chiropractors in Its Network

Progene: The Natural Alternative.

Cincinnati, OH (PRWEB) October 21, 2014

The American Chiropractic Association declared October to be “National Chiropractic Health Month.” This year’s campaign theme, “Conservative Care First,” showcases the profession’s moderate approach to pain management and healthcare management- highly relevant to the 55 million American men experiencing signs of low testosterone.

In the past, men would try riskier treatments before finding a chiropractor. Today, that approach has been reversed. Medical research and guidelines support the idea that patients should exhaust conservative, natural approaches to healthcare before resorting to other, more complex options that involve multiple doctors and synthetic prescriptions.

“Chiropractic is over 100 years old and the third largest health care science in America,” writes chiropractor Bill Hayes, who has spent over 30 years running Thermopolis Chiropractic Clinic in Wyoming. “I enjoy practicing a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care.”

Some chiropractic clinics have an additional focus on sports. Dr. Joseph Keith is a great example. “My passion is sports medicine and the treatment of athletes. My Sports & Family Medicine Clinic is located in Alaska, and I’ve developed a multitude of chiropractic techniques and systems in order to fully treat my patients.”

“We are seeing more healthcare providers like Dr. Hayes & Dr. Keith enroll in Progene’s®network in their search for alternative, natural solutions that complement their medical expertise,” says Michael Lee of Progene®.

As a means of connecting Progene® customers to providers, enrollment in Progene’s® network is free and takes only 30 seconds at

Finally, don’t forget to enjoy National Chiropractic Health Month. Free tools are available to help celebrate at

About Progene®

For over 10 years, Progene® continues to lead the low-testosterone market by addressing the natural decline of testosterone levels in men as they age. Progene’s® unique formula contains more than 15 botanical extracts and clinically proven testosterone precursors that help provide men the ingredients needed to naturally produce more testosterone.

Progene® continues to evolve and innovate. Not only is Progene® the only supplement brand in the country with an At-Home Testosterone Test Kit, but also the only brand with a national network of healthcare professionals who recommend Progene®.

Progene® is sold nationwide at Costco, Rite Aid, GNC Stores, Meijer, Stop & Shop, Bi-Lo Winn-Dixie, Vitamin Shoppe,, Sears Marketplace, Harris Teeter Groceries, Brookshire’s Food & Drug,,, and more than 150 other local and regional retailers.

For more information about Progene® products, call 888-PROGENE, visit, or go to

PR Contact: Judith Hokanson at 513-477-7973 or toll free at 877-887-9409


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Beautiful Copper Magnetic Ring Adjustable Goldtone Silvertone Wide Slash Design Reviews

Beautiful Copper Magnetic Ring Adjustable Goldtone Silvertone Wide Slash Design

  • Beautiful copper Magnetic Ring
  • Fits most women or men. Adjustable size
  • Alternate Goldtone and silvertone wide Slash Design
  • Beautiful High Polish
  • 2000-3000 guass

Dr. Helmar Dollwet’s book, The Copper Bracelet and Arthritis, 1981 Vantage Press states that copper is an essential element of an enzyme necessary for the production and regeneration of the cartilage lining the bone surfaces. Copper (and zinc) he explains, are also essential to Super-oxide Dismutase (SOD) which cleans up superoxide radicals that can be destructive to human body tissues. Evidence has been found through scientific research as to the breakdown and absorption of copper compounds thr


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Topical BioMedics Announces “Soothe the Skin They’re in,” a New Program for Children Who Suffer with Eczema

Topical BioMedics Announces “Soothe the Skin They’re in,” a New Program for Children Who Suffer with Eczema

Sadly, eczema is the most common skin problem treated by pediatric dermatologists

Rhinebeck, NY (PRWEB) October 20, 2014

Topical BioMedics, Inc., announces its new program to help relieve the discomfort and pain of children who suffer with eczema by sending their parents a free tube of their proprietary topical product, Topricin Junior for Children. Formulated especially for a child’s sensitive kin, Topricin Junior is a natural way to help the body heal the skin as it helps relieve itching, redness, pain, and discomfort.

The statistics are staggering. According to the National Eczema Association, there are 31.6 million people in the United States who suffer with eczema—and many of them are children.

Eczema is the most common skin problem treated by pediatric dermatologists. About 65% of their young patients develop symptoms before age one, and about 90% of them before age five. Adolescents and adults can also develop this condition, and individuals who had eczema as a child may experience reoccurrences later in life.    

A non-contagious inflammatory skin condition, the term eczema is derived from Greek, meaning “to boil out.” The name is appropriate since to ancient medical practitioners the skin may have appeared to be “boiling.”

Eczema can appear anywhere on the body or in just a few areas. Common symptoms include dry, red, itchy skin, bumps, and rashes, which can be oozing or very dry. In babies, a rash often appears on the face and scalp, but the symptoms of eczema vary from child to child, and rashes can be found on the back of the knees, bend in the elbows, trunk, wrists, hands, feet, and other parts of the body.

No matter which part of the skin is affected, eczema is usually itchy. But scratching can make the rash worse, and may eventually lead to thickened, brownish areas on the skin and/or cause an infection.

The National Eczema Association has given voice to the children who are afflicted with eczema, and the things they say can break your heart. Things like: “I feel uncomfortable in the skin I’m in.” “Eczema makes me feel left out and sad.” “Eczema is hard to live with.” “It hurts when people stare.” And, the simple, poignant statement “I feel bad.”

Unfortunately, the primary reason that most people remain suffering with eczema is because there is an incomplete understanding of the disease and what causes it. In addition, many of the Rx medicines for eczema and other skin issues have side effects, some of which are severe.

A child’s skin is more sensitive to pain than an adult’s skin, and they feel pain more intensely,” says Lou Paradise, president and chief of research, Topical BioMedics. “They are little people—not little adults—and adult medications may not be appropriate for them. Children need gentler, safer, effective treatments. Understanding and treating the cause of eczema, not just symptoms, is key.”

Topricin Junior for Children is made especially for children’s delicate skin, and is free of parabens, petroleum, and other harsh chemicals. Formulated with a combination of gentle yet effective natural biomedicines, it is historically ideal in treating pain and skin issues. Topricin Junior offers a safe, natural way to help the body heal the skin as it relieves itching, redness, pain, and discomfort.

A winner of the Parent Tested/Parent Approved Seal of Approval, Topricin Junior brings soothing relief and provides rapid healing for the pain and discomfort of symptoms associated with eczema ; rosacea; dry, cracked skin; sun and wind burn; bug bites; and minor burns.

“As a parent and grandparent, I know there is nothing worse than seeing your little one suffering in pain and discomfort,” says Paradise. “That’s why I am honored to offer a free tube of Topricin Junior to parents whose children are afflicted with eczema.”

Parents can receive Topricin Junior at no charge (just .00 for shipping and handling) by calling 800-959-1007 or visiting Offer good while supplies last.


Topricin® Junior for Children is specially formulated for delicate skin. Pediatrician recommended, this paraben- and petroleum-free formula treats pain associated with a wide range of common children’s injuries—without side effects. It’s perfect for muscle sprains and strains, eczema, back, heel and knee pain, and overall growing pains. Odorless and formulated for easy absorption, it’s also a multi-purpose healing cream for everyday bruising, scrapes, scratches, minor burns and insect bites. Topricin Junior does not contain any of the hazardous active ingredients found in many over-the-counter (OTC) oral pain medications, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and uses no volatile oils such as camphor, menthol, and other irritating chemicals used in most OTC topical analgesics. Rather, it stimulates the body’s desire to heal the damage that is causing the pain. Recipient of the Parent Tested/Parent Approved Seal of Approval. 5% gross sales donated to pediatric cancer foundations.


20 years in business and a Certified B Corporation, Topical BioMedics is a research and development leader in topical patented natural biomedicines for pain relief. The company’s flagship product, Topricin® Pain Relief and Healing Cream, was introduced in 1994 and is now a leading natural therapeutic brand. A combination biomedicine formula, Topricin has been awarded a patent for the treatment of pain associated with fibromyalgia and neuropathy, and was listed among the Top 100 Green Products of 2012 by Healthy Holistic Living.

The Topricin family of natural healing products also includes Topricin Foot Therapy Cream, specially formulated to treat painful foot and ankle issues and conditions, and Topricin for Children, which received the Parent Tested Parent Approved Seal of Approval (with 5% of sales donated to pediatric cancer foundations). Made in the U.S.A., all Topricin products are federally-regulated over-the-counter medicines with no known side effects, no parabens, petroleum, or other harsh chemicals, no grease, and no odor.

Topical BioMedics has assisted hundreds of thousands of people suffering with pain and those addicted to painkillers to achieve fully restored and robust healthy living. Because of the company’s experience in addressing the challenges of pain and addiction it has launched its “Get Relief, Give Relief” initiative: for every purchase of Topricin, Topricin Foot Therapy, or Topricin for Children ordered directly from the company, it will donate a tube of Topricin to a credible pain clinic on the customer’s behalf…Free. The company invites the public to join its army of pain relief warriors determined to help those in need by ending suffering and painkiller addiction and restoring hope and the joy of living life to the fullest. To “Get Relief, Give Relief,” order from or call 1-800-LES-PAIN (537-7246).

Topical BioMedics now offers TopTrack, a new app for on-the-go pain tracking and monitoring. TopTrack is available free of charge for iPad via the App Store, and will roll out on additional devices in the coming months.

Topricin is available in independent pharmacies, natural food and co-op stores nationwide, including Whole Foods, Sprouts, Pharmaca, The Vitamin Shoppe, Fred Meyer, Wegmans, CVS (Foot Care Section), Walgreens (Diabetic Section), and other fine retailers, as well as directly from the company.

For more information visit


Topical BioMedics

National Eczema Association




American Academy of Pediatrics

American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology


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Support World Food Day by Supporting Family Farming Programs- Food for the Hungry Programs Inspire Hope and End Poverty

Support World Food Day by Supporting Family Farming Programs- Food for the Hungry Programs Inspire Hope and End Poverty

Food from FH seed multiplication program in Congo

Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) October 09, 2014

When the terms “kitchen garden” or “home farm,” are heard, one might picture a box of fresh herbs growing in the windowsill or a few tomato plants climbing up a trellis in a pot on the patio. In developing countries, however, family farming is not a popular trend. It’s the key to ending poverty, stopping childhood malnutrition and saving lives.

Today, there are over 800 million hungry people in the word, with 26 percent of the world’s children suffering from malnutrition and 2 billion people having at least one micronutrient deficiency. Family farmers are making a world of difference in improving food security. This year, the UN General Assembly has designated 2014 as the “International Year of Family Farming” and the theme for this year’s World Food Day, October 16, 2014, is “Family Farming: Feeding the World, Caring for the Earth.”

Food for the Hungry (FH) is leading the charge, establishing sustainable farming programs with the goal of eradicating poverty in the world’s hardest hit areas.

“FH is on the ground in some of the most remote and poverty-stricken countries,” Marty Martin FH’s Chief Operating Officer. “Our programs are designed to help people take ownership of their development, so that over time, they will no longer be reliant on FH or any other entities to create their own sustainable future.”

Below are just two of the many FH success stories that demonstrate how FH walks with communities to bring hope and progress.

Planting Hope: Seed Multiplication Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, constant internal conflict has resulted in 2 million people being displaced and 6.4 million people experiencing food insecurity. Jobs are scarce and most people survive by selling small amounts of surplus produce in local markets or taking on odd jobs. Thirty-two-year-old mother of six, Angelaine Christine Feza, was one of the many people in Kitchanga village barely getting by. “Before FH came here,” says Angelaine, “we just survived with what we could find. My husband and I planted yams on a small piece of land. We sold what we could to put food on the table. Whatever little was left, we’d take the children to school.”

FH established the Emilingombe seed multiplication program in Kitchanga to help people like Feza improve the health of their crops. Here, vulnerable families improve the quality of seeds in the community, learn good agronomy practices, and feed their families. Peasant farmers learn the importance of crop spacing and weeding to ensure a better yield. They also participate in a community project such as working in the tree nursery or in seed multiplication nurseries in exchange for a monthly food ration, typically 50kg (about 110 pounds) of corn, eight kgs (17 pounds) of peas and four liters (1 gallon) of vegetable oil. As a result of her participation in this program, Angelaine’s hope for the future has been renewed. “Since I began working here,” she says, “I am sure of food for my family, hunger has reduced. I was always worried about what my children would eat. At times we only ate at night. With the little food, they weren’t healthy.”

Sowing Seeds of Change: Potato Seed Production Program in Ethiopia

Despite his best efforts, 35-year old Ethiopian father of six, Abera Anula, was unable to provide for his children due to the low productivity of his farmland. Just as he was preparing to hire human traffickers and risk his life to migrate illegally to South Africa, FH approached him and asked if he would like to participate in their improved potato seed production program. Here, he learned how to multiply good potato seeds and to distribute to fellow farmers in his community.

“After the training, FH gave me 1,250kg (2.2 pounds) of potato seed for multiplication which I planted and after four months, I produced 14,000kg (31,000 pounds) of improved potato seed and sold it for about ,000 USD.” Abera used the proceeds to buy a hybrid milking cow and an ox, saving a portion for the money for his trip to South Africa. The following year, he produced more potato seed and sold it for an even better price. “Now, I am able to rent more farm land from other farmers to expand the potato seed multiplication project. In two years, I am able to feed my children year round, supply milk and send four of my children to school.“ He says he still has the saved money to migrate to South Africa, but FH helped him find a better job opportunity in his own village. He has a plan to open a grinding mill with the money he has saved, providing a service to his fellow villagers. “Thank you FH for opening my eyes to see a better job opportunity in my village.”

There are ways to support the efforts of FH to end poverty through the FH catalog. A donation of provides 20 food tree seedlings to grow nutritious fruits like avocados, apples, bananas, papaya, mango and oranges. A gift of provides rural farmers with a shovel, hoe, grass cutter and machete. Sow a seed of hope with a donation to purchase seeds for tomatoes, onions, peppers, squash, cucumbers, zucchini and legumes.

Founded in 1971, Food for the Hungry provides emergency relief and long-term development programs with operations in more than 20 countries to help the world’s most vulnerable people. Learn more by visiting Social connections include and

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Strauss: Rosenkavalier

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Breast Ultrasounds Are a Comfortable and Convenient Option for Patients and Referring Doctors

Breast Ultrasounds Are a Comfortable and Convenient Option for Patients and Referring Doctors

Center For Diagnostic Imaging Miami

MIAMI, FL (PRWEB) September 30, 2014

Doctors often order breast ultrasounds as a follow-up, after a patient has received abnormal mammogram results. Most breast ultrasounds are done at a specialized medical imaging center, such as the Center for Diagnostic Imaging in Miami. The Center for Diagnostic Imaging is now offering breast ultrasounds to patients as an alternative to MRI. Most patients find ultrasounds to be more comfortable as they can be in an open space and do not have to remain perfectly still.

“We realize that receiving abnormal mammogram results that require additional testing can be a frightening and stressful process,” said Dr. Eric Godreau, M.D., of the Center for Diagnostic Imaging. “We try to make the imaging process as easy and painless as possible for patients, which is why we are offering ultrasounds as an alternative to MRIs. We also want patients to realize that having an ultrasound does not necessarily mean that cancer is present. However, the test is needed to provide further information about the area in question.”

A breast ultrasound can zero in on a specific area identified by the mammogram, and it can help shed more light on whether the area might be a cyst or solid mass. A breast ultrasound can also sometimes distinguish between benign and cancerous tumors and can help doctors determine whether steps such as a stereotactic breast biopsy are necessary.

As with any ultrasound, a breast ultrasound uses painless sound waves to create an image of an internal part of the body, without exposing the patient to radiation. Ultrasounds do not replace the use of mammograms for breast cancer screening, but should be used as a follow up test after an abnormal mammogram. Ultrasounds can also be good for identifying tumors in women who have dense breast tissue. In these cases, using ultrasound in conjunction with mammography can help doctors identify breast cancer more accurately than with mammograms alone.

Breast cancer is expected to impact one in eight women. For this reason, it is important to speak with your doctor right away if you are experiencing any symptoms or suspect you are at high risk for breast cancer. Early detection is an important factor in the success of treatment.

About The Center For Diagnostic Imaging, Miami: The Center for Diagnostic Imaging (CDI) is the premier diagnostic facility in South Florida, with locations in North Miami Beach, Aventura and South Dade. The center is owned and managed by physicians, and all staff members are highly skilled and qualified. CDI’s dedicated team of board-certified radiologists and technicians utilize the most advanced technology and techniques available in the imaging industry and provide excellent service to both patients and referring physicians.

CDI continuously expands its diagnostic services and technologies to meet its patients’ needs. The center’s doctors and technicians are experts in medical imaging technology, such as PET scan, CT and CTA scans, ultrasounds, digital mammography, 3D mammogram, MRI, X-rays and even nuclear medicine. For more information, please call (800) 371-0002 or visit one of our locations

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