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Culinary Herb Gardens

Culinary Herb Gardens

Culinary Herb Gardens

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Home Page > Home and Family > Culinary Herb Gardens

Culinary Herb Gardens

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Posted: Jul 09, 2010 |Comments: 0

Anyone who has ever done any type of baking or cooking knows that the food just tastes better with seasoning. This can be as simple as adding salt and pepper, or as complicated as using a blend of spices for the perfect taste. What is surprising to some people is pepper is actually an herb.

Pepper is a berry from the Piper Nigrum plant. Black and white pepper are made from the same plant. The un-ripened berries are used for the black pepper while the red, ripe ones are used for the white pepper.

Along with the natural organic herb, pepper, many other herbs are used to create culinary masterpieces. Nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon are common varieties of herbs grown in many kitchen herb gardens. Sage, oregano and basil are three more popular culinary herbs.

As more and more plants were discovered for their pungent flavor, people started making extraordinary dishes. What would a roast beef sandwich be without horseradish?  Try making a good breakfast sausage when there isn’t sage garden herbs around.  Herb bread would just be plain old bread if it were not for the flavorful little buggers.

One of the most beneficial attributes to growing kitchen herbs is that herbs have no calories, have no fatty acids, no cholesterol, and generally no bad ingredients at all.  They just have a unique taste that wakes the taste buds in all of us.

When using herbs for cooking, it is important to remember that a little goes a long way.  Too much can actually distract you from the natural flavor of the food.  The entire concept of using herbs is to highlight the natural flavors.  Too much can overpower the food and result in a tossed meal.

Did you know that there is even an herb that adds the sweetness of sugar without all the calories? This is an herb known as STEVIA. Although this herb cannot be sold as a sweetener for foods, it can be used in place of sugar.  One leaf has enough sweetener in it to sweeten a glass of lemonade. Imagine a hot summer day when the only thing that can cool you off is a frosty glass of ice cold tea!  You can brew the tea from your backyard herb garden, pour it over the ice, add a leaf off the stevia plant and one off the lemon balm plant, and you have a wonderful sweetened glass of ice cold lemon tea!  You can even use this herb in sauces, salad dressings or even your salsa instead of sugar to cut down on the calories.

Many of the meat marinades on the market get their flavoring from natural organic herbs. You can use dill with lemon balm on fish.  Saffron in your rice is always a delight.  Putting rosemary on a pork roast or lamb results in a mouth-watering treat. With so many different herbs on this planet, there is something for every dish you could possibly create.

Having herbs in the kitchen is a wonderful experience for the novice cook to the master chef.  With the right blend of herbs, you too can make meat rubs, soup and stew bases, or how about trying a new flavor for your morning coffee or tea.

Successful Gardening!

Learn more about Home Herb Gardens Here! Better yet, pick up your copy of Kali’s e-book:Holistic Herbs~A Beginners Guide to Herbal Gardening Here! There you will find 12 free bonus e-books available for immediate download.

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Kali S Winters
About the Author:

Kali S Winters is a gardening enthusiast and author who spends much of her time teaching others how to setup and maintain beautiful, amazing gardens. Discover one of Kali’s free bonus e-books, “101 Holistic Remedies Here! Learn more about Harvesting and Drying Herbs Here!and by signing up for Kali’s Herbal Gardening Mini Course.

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The Greatest Vitamin in the World is now offering vitamins and a business opportunity.

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The Greatest Vitamin in the World is now offering vitamins and a business opportunity.

(PRWEB) February 6, 2004

The Greatest Vitamin in the World is a company that makes one vitamin that nutritionally supports the entire body. Unlike almost every vitamin company in the world today, they use only the highest grade whole vitamins (not synthetic), Chelated Minerals

(most absorbable for the body to be able to utilize), Probiotics (good bacteria for the intestine which is critical for the body’s immune system), Vegetable Enzymes (critical in supporting the body in digesting all the food we eat), all in one vitamin. In this vitamin, they also included other critical nutrients that are scientifically proven to help nutritionally support the body in all areas described below.

Millions of dollars in research and over 100 studies from the New England Journal of Medicine were used to create this vitamin! This vitamin is endorsed by the NBCCA representing most teams in the NBA! It also has the Gold seal award for using only the highest grade and most absorbable nutrients known to man.

In order to get all of the nutrients that they placed into their vitamins, a person would need to buy 12 different supplements. They would also need to spend up to 9 if they insisted on the same high quality ingredients that The Greatest Vitamin in the World insisted on when creating their vitamin.

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Baba Ramdev – Bhastrika Pranayama (Deep Breath) – Cures Lungs Related Problems – Yoga

Watch Baba Ramdev – Yoga Exercise – Bhastrika Pranayama (Deep Breath Exercise) – Bhastrika Pranayama is an excellent breathing exercise. It keeps the body healthy and mind happy. Heart and brain patients must practice to get miraculous results. Depression, migraine, parkinsons disease, paralysis are completely cured, which is impossible by medicines.It should be practiced 2-minuts minimum and 5-minuts maximum everyday. If one should feel tired during practice, must stop immediately and resume after some relax. In the countries where normal temperature is high in summers, should NOT be practiced over 2-minuts. Benefits and Cures :- [1]This is the best breathing exercise for lungs. It makes the lungs healthy and improves strength. It directly affects all respiratory system of body and cures all lungs related problems. [2] Cold, flu, sinus, asthma are completely cured. [3] Thyroid, tonsils and all throat problems are completely cured. [4] It is very helpful to cure all heart diseases like angina, arteries blockages, etc . [5] Highly recommended for Brain diseases like Depression, Migraine, Parkinsons Disease, Paralysis, etc. [6] Helps to remove impurities of blood. Vata (wind/spirit/air), pitta (bile) and kapha (phlegm) are balanced so as to make body healthy.[7] Good for concentration of mind that helps for kundalini jagran. Precautions:- [1] People suffering from high blood pressure or any chronic heart disease should avoid this Pranayama or must be done under an

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How to Cure Your Heartburn and Acid Reflux within a Few Hours Using a Safe, All-Natural Home Remedy – Without Using any Cancer-Causing Antacids

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How to Cure Your Heartburn and Acid Reflux within a Few Hours Using a Safe, All-Natural Home Remedy – Without Using any Cancer-Causing Antacids

(PRWEB) March 9, 2005 offers a safe, natural home remedy to cure heartburn and acid reflux using a simple, step-by-step remedy found in the Heartburn and Reflux Remedy Report.

Millions of people suffer with painful heartburn and acid reflux disease.

Heartburn is the most common symptom of acid reflux, and it’s caused by stomach acid backing up into your esophagus. The pain is often described as a burning sensation, rising from the stomach into the center of your chest.

Occasional heartburn doesn’t necessarily mean you suffer from Acid Reflux Disease. However, if you experience heartburn more than twice per week, and if your heartburn gets worse after you eat or when you lie down or bend over, you probably have a more serious condition than heartburn. You probably have Acid Reflux Disease.

Acid Reflux Disease (also called Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD) occurs when the reflux of stomach acid is frequent enough that it causes continual problems in your daily life, and/or results in damage to your esophagus.

Unfortunately, millions of dollars are spent on prescription drugs to try and control the pain… but these drugs don’t cure the problem — they simply mask the symptoms.

Thankfully, there is a safe, natural alternative remedy available for immediate download at

Using a few ingredients found right in your own kitchen, you can cure your heartburn and acid reflux within minutes!

To relieve your heartburn and acid reflux naturally, visit

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Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.

More Natural Remedies Press Releases Launches New Site, Offers Consumers Reliable Pet Vitamin Information

xml:lang=”en” lang=”en” xmlns=””> Launches New Site, Offers Consumers Reliable Pet Vitamin Information

Round Rock, TX (PRWEB) March 25, 2009

Millions of people across the country have dogs as pets. Like their human counterparts, those dogs are most likely not getting all of their necessary nutrition through their daily meals. As such, many pet owners today are turning to vitamin supplements to help their dogs meet their daily nutritional requirements.

“Many people are beginning to hear about the benefits of giving their dog vitamins, yet they are also confused about the information,” says Brett Graham, owner of “That’s why we created We aim to ensure that people get factual information, have their questions answered, and have access to quality vitamins at an affordable cost.” has been designed to provide consumers with the information they need to understand why dogs need vitamins. Dog owners will also find information on what to look for in a quality vitamin, and what each supplement does to help support the good health of a pet. The site also provides a variety of information covering dog weight control, nutrition issues, puppy nutrition, and dog food facts. In addition, dog vitamins are available through the site to help ensure that dog nutrition needs are being met.

“We are happy to be filling that void for dog owners, providing them the information they need to make an informed decision on their dog vitamin purchases,” says Graham. “What we are offering to the public is long overdue and is being well-received.”


Vocus©Copyright 1997-, Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.

Grow Your Own Herb Garden

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The Herb Lady Announces the First .99 Cent Recipe Collection

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The Herb Lady Announces the First .99 Cent Recipe Collection

Mesa, AZ (PRWEB) March 15, 2006

Cooks everywhere just can’t get enough recipes, and recipes featuring herbs are becoming more popular as folks turn to more health choices for their families. Looking for more taste and variety, cooks are adding herbs to everything from beverages to entrees.

Catherine, The Herb Lady has just released the first in a planned series of e-books. “The .99 Cent Basil Recipe Collection” begins the series with one of the most loved and used herbs in the world. Featuring recipes using either dried or fresh Basil, cooks can experiment with many of the 46+ kinds of Basil from their own gardens or look for fresh kinds at local farmers markets.

E-Books are purchased files you can download into your computer and read or print at your leisure.

When choosing more healthy choices in cooking many folks are reducing fat and salt, and winding up with ‘no taste’ meals. Herbs and spices, like wines, bring variety to the dinner table. If you “had” to cook chicken every night, using the abundance of herb and spice varieties, you can make it “wow, this is great,” instead of “Not chicken again!”

“Likewise vegetarian foods when prepared in proper proportions are incredibly healthy,” says The Herb Lady, “but can become monotonous and bland without a touch of herb or spice.”

Launching this affordable series, Catherine The Herb Lady wants to inspire the beginner, experienced, and experimental cook to look beyond ‘the box’ of cooking concepts.

The Herb Lady, author of “Edible Landscaping in the Desert Southwest: Wheelbarrow to Plate” is a gardener and cook who can’t stop experimenting in both arenas. She takes her successes (and failures) and turns them into fun, functional and fragrant ways to enhance your life.

She is currently working on a cookbook of 101 recipes due out late Spring 2006.

Herbs 2 U was founded to educate and inform folks on gardening with herbs, edible flowers and other edible plants, and then bringing those useful and flavorful plants into the kitchen and creating mouthwatering meals.

The Herb Lady’s column appears monthly in the East Valley Tribune, and her classes on growing and using edible herbs and flowers are offered in locations around the Valley of the Sun, including the Desert Botanical Garden and Boyce Thompson Arboretum.

A regular guest on this weekly program is broadcast on the net in Flagstaff (KVNA-AM 600 at 11am Saturday) and Queen Creek (KQCX 99.1 FM 1pm Friday)

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Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.

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