Archive for the ‘Vitamins & Suplements’ Category

How We Make Vitamins and Supplements

Everybody talks about quality but at Puritans Pride we guarantee it. Thats why we put our products through rigorous testing at critical points throughout the manufacturing process. Every Puritans Pride nutritional supplement starts with the finest ingredients sourced from around the world. Its important for you to know that each and every one of our ingredient suppliers is subject to our own Quality Assurance audits and must operate using Good Manufacturing Practices, or GMPs. Before these ingredients can be formulated into one of our many products, each ingredient must pass numerous tests in our Quality Control Laboratories. Sophisticated analytical equipment located throughout our multi-million dollar laboratories verify purity, potency and the overall quality of every ingredient. In addition, the products are also tested to make sure theyre pure and free of harmful bacteria. At every step in the manufacturing process the product is checked by a trained technician and verified by one of our Quality Assurance associates. The QA associates are responsible for making sure that every ingredient and every final product meets the highest standards that you expect from Puritans Pride. For example, here in the blending department the powdered ingredients are carefully screened to make sure that they are pure and free of contaminants. Although not required, Puritans Pride takes this extra step to ensure the quality and reliability of our supplements. After blending, the

Dr. Ellen Hughes, internist and integrative medicine specialist at UCSFs Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, explores the value of vitamins, minerals and supplements. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public [9/2009] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 16719]
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Why are vitamin mineral supplements essential?

Why are vitamin mineral supplements essential?

Some people think that getting over-the-counter supplements like Vitamin C and Vitamin E are enough for daily living.  But besides the guarantees given by these vitamins, it is better if you consider mineral supplements with it instead.  Yes, there is a difference between taking vitamins alone than when you consider an intake of vitamin mineral supplements.  The terms may be somewhat confusing so before proceeding to the essence of taking vitamins and minerals all together, it is best to define these two terms.

Vitamins are defined as organic substances that are essential to nutrition.  They can be taken in small quantities and are often found in the food you eat.  Some vitamins are also produced by the body but the most popular vitamins you may know of are those that can be bought from drugstores.  From these features of vitamins, you may now see why it is best to have vitamin mineral supplements than vitamins alone.  To convince you further, take a look at what minerals are all about.

Minerals, on the other hand are inorganic substances coming from nature.  These are generally described as those that we can derive from rocks or from the ground.  As a nutritive substance, it is also inorganic and does not come from plant or animals.  Minerals may be used up by people and other forms of living things.  Human beings should take mineral supplements to make sure that the requirement of over 80 minerals in the body will be complied with.  With this, you are now ready to look into the essence of vitamin mineral supplements.

Vitamins and minerals are two terms that are often interchanged.  As defined above, vitamins are organic substances while minerals are inorganic.  The importance of taking vitamin mineral supplements extends to the fact that you need something that will form your bones and compose your body fluids.  Mineral supplements should be considered as a great help in order for all your body’s systems to function properly – from the digestive system and cardiovascular system to the more general immune system.

Vitamin mineral supplements are not created just for manufacturers to derive income from the sale of such products.  Some of the service providers out there look into the necessity of mineral supplements in daily diet that is why they are created.  Think of the depleted soil where fruits and vegetables grow and you will realize that vital nutrients have already been removed.  Imagine the many processes that the so-called natural products go through and you will surely be convinced of the need to incorporate these supplements in your diet.

Before you ever doubt the honesty of manufacturers who sell mineral supplements in the market, try to give more scrutiny to the benefits you will derive from such products.  You should look at things positively and you will happen to realize that vitamin mineral supplements work hand-in-hand with your choice of a healthy diet.  If you do not want to waste your money,  always go for reputable manufacturers out there.  Truth is that there are already a lot of huge names in this industry that you may consider including on your list.

If you are looking for mineral supplements, our site is ready to help you. We guarantee you that our vitamin mineral supplements will render your daily requirement.

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Drugs, Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements

Drugs, Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements

Copyright (c) 2008 Soaring Eagle Companies LLC

Many people nowadays are turning to “organics” and “naturals” otherwise known as herbals. The rising popularity of herbal supplements has created a new fad if not a new health lifestyle. But before you join the bandwagon, here are some things you need to know about this mean, “green” dietary supplementing machine.

What are vitamins, minerals, supplements and drugs?

DRUGS are chemicals that can prevent, prolong the life, treat other effects of a health condition, improve the quality of life, and/or cure ailments and diseases, or alter the function of any part or chemicals inside the body. These drugs have approved therapeutic claims.

VITAMINS are natural substances found in living things such as plants. Vitamins must be obtained in the body from foods or supplements as they cannot usually be produced by the body.

MINERALS are found in plants. Plants get their minerals from the soil ‘ soil gets minerals from water washing over rocks. For vitamins to do their job, they require minerals. Minerals must also be obtained from food or supplements.

SUPPLEMENTS are vitamins and minerals that have been extracted from a plant or created in a laboratory and put into a form that can be ingested and used by the body. They are effective supplements, ineffective supplements and hazardous supplements. Herbal supplements are not classified as drugs but as dietary supplements.

Most of the manufactured medicines we now have once came from animals and plants. Through the years, chemists isolated the life-saving or life-curing components and separated them from the harmful ones. This lead to the further drug research and drug development that lead to the production of a different variety of drugs for many ailments and conditions from synthetic sources. But still we have semi-synthetic drugs, as well as drug that more or less approximate more natural composition. Since herbal supplements are made from a mixture of crude herbs reduced into powder or gel form, and later on packaged as tablets and capsules, there is a possibility that life-threatening or at least body chemistry-altering components are still present, thus the expression of concern from the medical community.

Vitamins and minerals go from your stomach to your intestines. They then go through a very complex allocation system whereby the body distributes certain vitamins and minerals to parts of your body based on its own priority system.

If a nutrient is needed in a certain organ that if (the body) deems more important, it will take the nutrient from a less important organ, and allocate it to a more important organ. Sort of a “rob Peter to pay Paul” action. That’s why it is critical to maintain proper vitamin & mineral levels.

Vitamins and minerals in your body should not be viewed as independent substances, but rather as a cooperative network of nutrients working together. If one nutrient is missing, it throws the entire network of nutrients out of balance.

In his book Prescription for Nutritional Healing, James F. Balch says: “A deficiency of a vitamin or mineral will cause a body part to malfunction and eventually break down ‘ and, like dominos, other body parts will follow.”

What do Vitamins and Minerals Do for You?

Illness and disease are not “caught.” One doesn’t catch cancer, heart disease or a cold. You create these ailments with deficiencies based on what you eat or don’t eat.

Vitamins & minerals are involved in the release of energy from digested foods. Strong, lasting energy levels are good indicators of healthy vitamin and mineral intake.

Skin clearness, tone, and elasticity; hair strength, thickness and color; fingernail strength, color and texture all depend on vitamins and minerals. Some people don’t look 50 years old at 30. Some look 30 at 50.

Brain function, ability to concentrate and memory require proper vitamin and mineral levels.

Is there a growing concern with the use of herbal supplements?

Yes. With the rising popularity of using and consuming anything herbal or organic is the proliferation of fake herbal supplements that threaten to endanger lives. If that’s the case, then why are herbal supplements given drug administration approvals? One way of ensuring the safety of the people is to have all candidate drugs, food, drinks, and dietary supplements registered with the proper authority. Otherwise, they would pose more risk with these things being sold in the black market for a hefty sum. We could ensure the quality and safety of herbal supplements if they get proper classification with the food and drug administration. Moreover, people may be able to file the proper complaints in the event a worsening of health condition is proven to be linked to the use of a particular herbal supplement.

Is using herbal supplements worth the risk?

Yes. It cannot be discounted that many who have tried herbal supplements experienced an improvement in their health

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