Dr Paul Clayton -Do Vitamin supplements work?
www.drpaulclayton.com Getting The Combination At one time you would have had to buy the nutrients I recommend individually. However buying the nutrients separately is expensive, and tiresome, so a combination brand can be a better buy. Combination Brands There are two manufacturers offering a formula that I think qualifies as comprehensive: the Uni-Vite NutriShield brand and Solgar Advanced Formula. The Solgar Advanced Formula is among the best of the retail brands. NutriShield is more advanced as it incorporates all the nutrients that I think are important, including betaine, glucosamine, lycopene, Q10 and Omega 3 fish oil – which Solgar omits. You can find NutriShield on www.nutrishield.com Solgar Advanced Formula is available at specialist health food shops. Dr Paul Clayton graduated summa cum laude in Medical Pharmacology from Edinburgh University, prior to obtaining his PhD. He is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine and a former Senior Scientific Advisor to the UK government’s Committee on the Safety of Medicines. He has worked with leading doctors and clinical scientists at centres of clinical expertise in the UK and abroad, and trained the pharmacists in Britain’ s largest chemist chain in preventative nutrition. Dr Clayton has lectured at the Royal College of General Practitioners. He frequently presents at and chairs international conferences on nutrition and health. His books include Health Defence and After Atkins. Uni-Vite Healthcare video by Robert …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Try PROLEVA, you only have to take two pills per day to get the fighting antioxidants for your health. PROLEVA is a very powerful antioxidant supplement. I highly recommend PROLEVA. It boosts energy, defends against illness, and much more.
I recommend PROLEVA, you only have to take two pills per day to get the fighting antioxidants for your health. PROLEVA is a very powerful antioxidant supplement. I highly recommend PROLEVA. It boosts energy, defends against illness, and much more.
I recommend PROLEVA, you only have to take two pills per day to get the fighting antioxidants for your health. PROLEVA is a very powerful antioxidant supplement. I highly recommend PROLEVA. It boosts energy, defends against illness, and much more.
I recommend PROLEVA, you only have to take two pills per day to get the fighting antioxidants for your health. PROLEVA is a very powerful antioxidant supplement. I highly recommend PROLEVA. It boosts energy, defends against illness, and much more.
He’s honest. I will still take my multivitamin
yeah i was wondering that too cuz these vitamins i ate taste real good!
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My multivitamin has 100% of all the vitamins, is that okey? Also, what’s your opinion on protein shakes?
How would you go about gauging the bio-availability of the various components of any given supplement?
Interesting video cast , good channel with valuable health info.
Thank you
Great information -much needed at this time
Thank you
I believe that it is possible to stay healthy into ripe old age and to prevent, stabilise and even perhaps to reverse, many of the chronic degenerative diseases.
Underpinning all my research and advice is this simple fact. Given the right nutrition and lifestyle, our bodies have amazing powers of self-healing and regeneration.
I agree -Even our Health Food shops don’t know what they are selling.
This guy makes a lot of good points
“…many supplements are appallingly badly designed…they’re designed by companies who
don’t know what they’re producing and being
bought by consumers who don’t know what they’re buying…”
Yes! You said EXACTLY how I feel about the entire supplement industry. Solgar is a quality company
however they don’t discount their product line.
They’re not helpful in the email department either.
Yes, “profound mutual ignorance” indeed.