Vitamins For Acne? Minerals, Nutrition, Supplements, Skin, Pimples, Breakouts on Talkin Tuesday!
Hair Tutorial As Seen In This Video! Dairy Free For ACNE? What You Eat …
Note to people considering taking dairy out of your diet (important source
of calcium): Make sure you’re still getting calcium somehow, whether hat be
by taking an actual calcium supplement or by eating green spinage (the only
plant that has calicum, yes this is true, look it up). Women especially
need calcium, because when a woman gets pregantn, her body has the task of
growing an entire infants skeletal system from her calcium supply in her
body. This depletes our calcium from our own teeth and bones. So basically
chilbirth depletes our own calcium suuply. Which, in turn gives us
osteoporosis. (Ladies, you know what I’m talking about, that common hunch
in the elderly women, that’s a sign that low calcium intake). So ladies,
fuel up now because by the age of 30 the body stops absorbing calcium (it’s
true, look it up).
You are detail oriented and never skip any details. So informational.
Your hair looks amaaaaazing in this!
Cassandra: Calcium is ESSENTIAL for the elasticity of hair; and growth of
bones and teeth in the body. MANY pediatricians have told moms to go with
VitaminD/Whole milk for the little guys and gals because it helps develop
bone structure. A child’s kneecaps are not fully developed until the age of
3. So….Calcium and Vitamin D are EXTREMELY important. ps: I am sitting in
the sun for about 15 minutes per day; and…..sunlight is STILL the best
source of Vitamin D.
@shorttsosweet of course it one of the most healthiest oil out there, but
coconut oil alone wont do much unless you eat a clean diet with no sugar,
gluten, soy and most unfermented dairy
do more informative vids like this.i love it!!!
YOU ARE SO SMART, you should be dermatologist….just saying 🙂
WHAT DID YOU SAY IN 5:36-5:43 ???
Are you from around the Chicago area? Because I am too!
ur camera keeps going in and out of focus…
If you’re struggling with acne then go to for a permanent way
to quickly get rid of zits and scars. Visit and check it out!
How does the space recall the strong edge? The smoke shares the tense base.
Why does the abashed support zap the stop?
Hi there, have you heard of ? Simply copy and then paste
the URL to go there. On their website you will find a good free video
demonstrating how you can overcome acne easily. It made it possible for
Edith to have attractive cleansed skin within 1-2 month. I hope it works
for you too…
I’m taking Hair,Skin,&Nails so far so good 🙂
Hey girl you should go on Dermalogica website, they’re looking for beauty
bloggers to talk about skin and I think you’re the best for that! The
chosen bloggers will get some of their products 😉
@itsmeezgi This is one of the most underhanded and awful things I’ve ever
seen someone write to another person. Why, WHY do you girls constantly tear
each other down? Adding “But you’re my fav” DOESN’T make it better. It
makes it even more evil.
@MegaTavoletta SPAMMM
@mendoromi: –Try a multi-vitamin. (I just found out that Vitamin D is good
for thyroid imbalance; which I have!). Blueberries (which Cassandra
mentioned) are excellent for vitamin C. At one time, I was prescribed a
Retin-A product; but they are very expensive. Check multi-vitamins at the
local pharmacy; ask someone about it.
Umm oh my, ozone layer does not cause haze aka smog! smog caused by a bunch
of different factors, including sunlight. also, ozone layer blocks harmful
high energy UV rays, otherwise we would all have skin cancer more easily.
also, ozone hole mostly stays over the south pole where no one lives,
although it has opened up a little in the north pole. (ozone hole moves
around, depending on the right cond!) ozone depletion problem is fixed and
it is currently healing (but it will take about 50 years)
i looooove your hair!
I looooove listening to you!!! Love your energy!
Have you ever tried honey nutmeg mask? it helps with s caring :] i love you
and your vids your sooo pretty can you do a tutorial on alba green tea and
aloe moisturizer?
what is pigmintation, hyper pigmentation and hypo-pigmentation and what
does it look like?
There have been studies that have implied that increased calcium intake
combined with insufficient Vitamin D may be correlated to increased
fracture risk, as well as increased risk of osteoporosis. There also have
been studies that link increased dairy consumption and increased
osteoporosis rates. None of the studies conducted are actually conclusive
though. As with all scientific research, the studies are narrow in their
scope, so there’s only so much you can assume by reading just one.
love ur makeup!! Lipstick is so pretty! Pls do a video on fav. lipstick
Your mouth is like a machine gun