Drink More Water to Reduce Stress Says Chinese Medicine Practitioner on Sharon Kleyne Hour
Drink More Water to Reduce Stress Says Chinese Medicine Practitioner on Sharon Kleyne Hour
Grants Pass, OR (PRWEB) June 19, 2014
Psychological stress can cause the human body to lose water and become dehydrated and diseased. Conversely, physical dehydration, or loss of water, can cause psychological stress. Because of the complex relationship between stress and water, any treatment for dehydration or stress must include drinking more water, reported Chinese Medicine Practitioner and presidential appointee Effie Chow, PhD, during her June 16, 2014 interview on the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water radio show.
Effie Chow was born in China and grew up in a traditional family. After moving to the United States, she became a registered nurse. Although she supported Western medical practice, she concluded that Traditional Chinese Medicine, particularly Qi-Gong, had enormous potential value in maintaining health. Chow is Founder of the East-West Academy of Healing Arts in San Francisco, has authored several books, and in 2000, served on President Clinton’s White House Conference on Complimentary and Alternative Medicine.
The globally syndicated Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water® radio show, with host Sharon Kleyne, is heard on VoiceAmerica and Apple iTunes. Kleyne is Founder of Bio Logic Aqua Research, a fresh water, atmosphere and health research, and product development center. Natures Tears® EyeMist®, a 100% pure water mist, is the Research Center’s global signature product for dry eyes. Effie Chow is a frequent Sharon Kleyne Hour guest.
In the traditional Chinese healing discipline of “Qi-gong,” according to Chow, water is one of the “Five Elements of Life.” The others are earth, fire, wood and metal. Qi-Gong philosophy teaches that each element controls a different part of the body and a different emotion, and that water is the element that integrates all other elements and prevents dehydration. The organs most directly affected by water are the kidneys and bladder.
The words “Qi-gong,” Chow explains, mean “life force.” Since life on Earth can not exist without water, and since human bodies are 75 percent water, water is recognized in Qi-gong as the basis not only of all life but of the essential life force that sustains life.
A large percentage of her patients, says Chow, show symptoms of both emotional stress and physical dehydration in addition to their health complaints. Kleyne adds that the aging process is basically a dehydration process – the skin becomes thin and dry, the mouth produces less saliva, the eyes produce fewer tears, etc. Chow and Kleyne agree that increasing one’s daily water intake can significantly slow the aging process. Kleyne cautions that no two people are alike, we each have different water needs, and we all age differently.
Chow recommends drinking four glasses of water upon rising in the morning and Kleyne recommends drinking at least eight glasses per day in addition to all other fluid intake.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, according to Chow, always includes looking at the general health of the whole body and finding out what’s going on in the patient’s life. If the patient complains of a cold, Kleyne adds, the practitioner can treat the cold symptoms but should also investigate whether the patient’s lifestyle might be making them more susceptible to colds. Dehydration can increases susceptibility to colds and many other diseases.
Qi-gong teaches that the body is a microcosm or the Earth and the Universe, Chow explains. The body even has its own humid atmosphere, says Kleyne.. If the body dries out, the skin reacts the same way the skin of the Earth reacts – the surface dries up, life slows down, and it takes much longer for disturbances to repair themselves. Disturbances in both the body and in the Earth’s ecosystems have a domino effect that can result in many additional unintended disturbances.
And the cure could be as simple as an extra glass of water each day.
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