Archive for September, 2010

Can Alternative Medicine Cure Cancer?

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Alternative Cures: More than 1,000 of the Most Effective Natural Home Remedies

Alternative Cures: More than 1,000 of the Most Effective Natural Home Remedies

  • ISBN13: 9780345505392
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

When your health is at risk, you want to consider every option.

In Alternative Cures, three hundred of America’s top doctors and natural healers–herbalists, nutritionists, homeopaths, and naturopaths–share more than one thousand safe and effective remedies for many health concerns. Inside you’ll discover

• a nutrient that blocks the side effects of arthritis drugs
• a two-nutrient combo that can help cure chronic fatigue
• an herbal “cocktail” that stops c

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List Price: $ 7.99


The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies

This is a comprehensive guide that combines the best of age old remedies with the latest scientific research in holistic medicine. In an easy-to-understand manner, it explains prevention, herbal remedies for over 100 ailments, the side effects of synthetic drugs, as well as cleansing diets and weight loss diets.

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List Price: $ 17.95


How to Find the Perfect Vitamin Supplement For Your Unique Body

How to Find the Perfect Vitamin Supplement For Your Unique Body

Consumers are being bombarded with advertising, medical studies and word-of-mouth wisdom about vitamins and mineral supplements. Almost every week a new scientific study proclaims the virtues of vitamin this or that.

RDAs are “Grossly Oversimplified” For Vitamins and Supplements

RDA’s (Recommended Daily Allowance) are also used to set standards in many programs. But many nutritional scientists consider them to be out of sync with the needs of many Americans. The RDA takes the stand of the mythical “average” that was created from a lot of scientific and mathematical “averages” computed from a group of people somewhere on the planet. Averages have become grossly oversimplified, where fixed but arbitrary set points have been established for a variety of factors.

So, many consumers today take vitamins and minerals in amounts that far exceed the recommended doses to prevent chronic illnesses, like heart disease, and they rarely have reliable sources for direction.

Can You Really Get The Nutrition You Need Without Taking A Vitamin or Supplement?

The fact is food alone cannot supply some nutrients in amounts sufficient to prevent disease. For example, vitamin E at levels considerably higher than the current RDA has been linked by a number of researchers with the prevention of heart disease and improved immune function.

Calcium-fortified orange juice, Vitamin-enhanced waters, Fortified cereals and energy bars. Everywhere you turn, new products are showing up on supermarket shelves touting added vitamins and minerals.

If you already take a multi-vitamin and mineral tablet, add a calcium or vitamin E supplement on top of that, and eat a few fortified food products along with a fairly healthy diet, you are now out of balance with too many vitamins and minerals.

Is More Really Better When It Comes To Taking Vitamins and Supplements?

Americans tend to think that more is better, or that if it’s natural, it can’t harm you, and that is particularly true when it comes to vitamins and minerals. But that’s not always the case. Some people habitually overdo it with vitamins and minerals and suffer the consequences.

Serious Consequences For Over Doing Vitamins and Supplements

Here are a few examples. Most people think if they take too many water soluble vitamins (like B vitamins and vitamin C) they will just get washed out in the urine, this is true, but it can put extra stress on the kidneys and liver. A more serious problem with water soluble vitamin B6, is that, over time, it can cause nerve damage if taken in excessive amounts.

Vitamin C is another that people tend to take in large quantities, mainly in the form of supplements, and often in an attempt to stave off colds and illness. But at 2,000 milligrams or greater, it can cause digestive upset, and people don’t typically associate stomach upset with the fact that they are taking vitamin C. Vitamin C enhances iron absorption and research has shown excess amounts may increase the risk of liver cancer and heart disease in people with iron overload.

Here Comes The Vitamin Deficiency

By continuing to follow established dietary patterns, an individual or an entire family soon develops long term deficiencies and excesses. Most people repeat basically the same diet over months and years, often extending to generations.

The balanced diet one size fits all is a myth. There is only biochemical individual balanced diets. So we are back to genetics. Our genes determine the chromosomes, and the latter are responsible for the presence and efficiency of the body’s enzyme systems. If the enzymes do not function, one will develop a diagnosable disease, usually one that is lurking in the family background. If we could discover the weak enzyme then we could be more specific in the application of the appropriate vitamin or mineral to make that enzyme function more efficiently.

An Easy CURE to the Vitamin and Supplement Debate: It’s Based On Person’s Smell & Taste

The olfactory or smelling sense helps to indicate deficiencies or excesses. John L. Kitkoski spent considerable time and effort to find the key to a spectrum for dietary supplementation selection system and a methodology following human olfactory (smell). When you open a bottle of smell sensitive dietary supplement, what you smell is what is on the label. What you smell is what you get. Many people like the smell of a particular vitamin or mineral and yet they have no symptoms suggesting a deficiency. It suggests, however, that some problem is on its way.

As biochemical individuals there is no “one symptom means one deficiency” method. Illness is not a particular vitamin or mineral deficiency but a complex relationship between ratios.

The Perfect Vitamin and Supplement Program On Earth!

Life Balances is the only self directed health program in America today. The program was built around the biochemical individual.

Many people are concerned about the source of their vitamins. There are really a few things that the best vitamin supplement has. The first is that the vitamin supplement is volatile, which means its made so that it is broken down correctly in the body. The second is that the vitamin supplement is smell sensitive. Unfortunately, no other vitamin supplement on the market is smell sensitive.

Life Balances patented smell sensitive vitamins (available at ensure that each person can correctly guide themselves through their nutritional needs by smell and that each vitamin is volatile, so it is correctly absorbed. They have the two most important vitamin benefits of any vitamin supplement on the market.

Once you discover them, you’ll never have to guess which vitamins and supplements you need.

Stop Guessing About What Vitamins To Take! Get the Life Balances Smell Sensitive Vitamins and Supplements available only at . Smell your way to a perfectly balanced body. Discover more about vitamin deficiency and excesses, and how to get the perfect balance with our FREE report!

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Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements are the Key to a Healthy Life

Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements are the Key to a Healthy Life

 The discovery of vitamins as essential balance of the body is relatively recent. We owe our merit especially to the Japanese Umetaro Suzuki who discovered in 1910 vitamin B1 (thiamine) in the hull of a grain of rice. In the early 20th century, we still did not understand very well what role they could play in the organization of the human body. Today, scientists recognize the importance of dietary supplements in the prevention of heart disease, asthma, cancer, memory disorder, premature aging and in many other medical conditions. The following are some of vital supplement that our body needs to function properly, according to several researches on nutrition:

What supplements you should take?

Antioxidants have aroused much enthusiasm – These nutrients protect the body from damage due to “free radicals”, compounds produced by toxins from the environment and the normal mechanisms of the body. Free radicals can damage cells throughout the body. Now days, all medical researchers confirm the benefits of antioxidants on our health, including protection against heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamins C and E, beta-carotene (vitamin A) and selenium are antioxidants on which scientists conduct numerous searches.

Vitamins – The vitamins are absolutely necessary to our body even in small quantities. Besides, with the exception of vitamin D, vitamins can not be synthesized by the body and must be present in our daily food or taking in supplements! We mainly use the range of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12), vitamin C and vitamin E, without forgetting the vitamin A and vitamin D. In short, when it comes to vitamins, all are useful and indispensable to good functioning of our organism. A lack vitamins may cause more diseases one can imagine.

Minerals and oligoelements

As for minerals, selenium and magnesium are the top supplements you should consider increase in your diet. Selenium for its huge anti-oxidant properties and the other (magnesium) for its ability to restore energy and morale. In addition, you need many of these small molecules (oligo-element) used in the composition of dietary supplements: calcium, carotene, chromium, copper or iron, each has its role in the beauty of the skin, the strength of our bones or well-being of your joints. Without forgetting the fluorine for the smallest and largest, or zinc for a perfect.

The protein, fatty acids, and amino acids

More original, compositions based fatty acid such as the famous omega 3 from fish oil or vegetable oils, are known for their positive action on mood and heart. There is the CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which “dry” muscles by preventing fat set but also all kinds of protein and fatty acids. Among the amino acids, creatine evokes discussion. Its role to supply energy to muscle and nerve cells is sometimes controversial. Many researches have shown the outstanding role of Fatty acids in our organism. The list of proteins, amino acids and fatty acids and their role is long, I promise to talk about them in another article.

Nature provides us with everything we need for a healthy life. The vitamins, minerals, and certain herbs all around us can help us have healthy skin, clean bodies, and prevent or even cure diseases that are said to be incurable. However, taking those supplements in a daily basic in a regular food is not as easy as it sounds. You need to supplement your food with healthy vitamin supplements. At, we offer a variety of natural supplements that your body needs to stay healthy. Visit our vitamins minerals supplements website today and save 5%.

Raphael is a nutritionist who strongly believes in natural healing and health diet. He loves to encourage others to eat a healthy diet, the best way to prevent many incurable disease such as cancer To learn more, Please visit his vitamins minerals supplements website.

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Should You Ask Your Doctor About Natural Remedies?

Should You Ask Your Doctor About Natural Remedies?

Should a person who wants to try natural healing remedies ask their doctor about natural healing? While most people would not hesitate to consult a doctor about natural remedies, there are some who are skeptical about getting the opinion of a practitioner of modern medicine about natural healing methods. Would your doctor give you statements that will simply discourage you from trying natural remedies?

There are doctors who believe that a combination of natural and conventional medicine is good for a person who wants to achieve a healthy lifestyle.  Such doctors will not mind giving advice on the kind of natural remedies that could be used to promote health and combat illnesses.  When asking a doctor about natural remedies, you are actually giving him an idea about the kind of person you are, that is, someone who truly cares about his health. Doctors know that there are things that are beyond their control and illnesses that cannot be cured by conventional medicine. In such cases, they may very well recommend the use of alternative medicine, like natural remedies, which can be the key to your recovery.

If you are planning to ask a doctor about natural remedies, you should ask about the pros and cons of using the natural remedies in comparison to conventional medicine. Doctors who are open minded and who are honest enough to admit that there are indeed some benefits to be gained from the use of alternative medical treatments will most likely tell you the advantages and disadvantages of the natural remedies you are considering.  Sometimes, when asking a doctor about natural remedies, you may get negative answers that seem to be false. This may be due to the fact that some doctors do not want to lose their patients, since the patients will not consult them anymore if they find a natural remedy that works.

Despite the fact that some doctors may mislead you with vague answers to your questions for fear of losing a patient, you should not hesitate to ask a doctor about natural remedies. There are some things you may not understand about the concept of natural healing, and since doctors know there are natural remedies that work, you may get a professional opinion about certain natural remedies and natural living trends that are widely used. Who knows, you may even be the person to help open up a doctor’s mind to natural healing methods when asking a doctor about natural remedies.

Heal naturally. Learn how to make your own home remedies.

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Hampton, Virgina, Author Publishes New Book about Cancer

Hampton, VA (Vocus) September 28, 2010

Patient X: From Cancer through Chemo and Radiation to Natural Science Cures , a new book by Frederick Van Ferrell, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.

When a doctor gives the diagnosis of cancer, it can be a death sentence. For Frederick Van Ferrell, however, the word “cancer” didn’t mean he had to give up. Patient X takes the reader through the author’s journey to fight and survive colon-rectal cancer using both chemotherapy and many natural remedies. Told using a day-by-day journal format, the author’s story shares in detail what his struggle was like and how he made it through each trial by relying on friends, family, and most importantly, God the Father. Readers may feel inspired by the author’s tale of success in the face of what is often a deadly disease.

Author Frederick Van Ferrell has over twenty years of engineering design experience and four years of financial securities experience. He received his bachelor of science degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix in 2006, his associate of arts degree from Cuyahoga Community college in 2002, his certificate in grant writing in 1998, his diploma in BASIC computer programming in 1991, and his diploma in drafting and CAD in 1986.

Patient X: From Cancer through Chemo and Radiation to Natural Science Cures is a 54-page paperback with a retail price of .00. The ISBN is 978-1-4349-0338-9. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For more information or to request a review copy, please visit our virtual pressroom at or our online bookstore at


The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book, 4th edition: The Definitive Guide to Designing Your Personal Supplement Program

The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book, 4th edition: The Definitive Guide to Designing Your Personal Supplement Program

  • ISBN13: 9781583332740
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

With more than 300,000 copies in print, The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book is a trusted resource for people seeking to make sense of the plethora of information about nutritional supplements. Now in its fourth edition, this book provides up-to-date scientific validation for the use of dietary supplementation in both the treatment and prevention of disease and for overall optimum health-the very facts that are not made available to consumers when they purchase supplements. In this fully revised a

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List Price: $ 15.95


More Vitamins & Minerals Products Finds Quality Problems with Nearly 30% of Fish Oil Supplements Reviewed (Including Krill and Algal Oil Supplements)

White Plains, NY (PRWEB) September 28, 2010

Tests of fish, algal and krill oil supplements revealed quality problems with 7 out of 24 products selected by independent testing organization Three products contained less of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and/or DHA than claimed, spoilage was detected in one of these products as well as in two others (including a children’s supplement), an enteric-coated product released its ingredients too early, and a supplement for pets exceeded the contamination limit for PCBs. Seventeen other products passed testing as did 15 products similarly tested through’s voluntary certification program.’s report is now available online to its members. reported these additional, notable findings:

Labels on some products included terms such as “pharmaceutical grade” and “tested in FDA approved laboratories,” which are meaningless as there is no basis for either claim.
A krill oil supplement that failed for both spoilage and low omega-3 levels claimed to be quality assured under GMPs (good manufacturing practices). Another “krill oil” supplement contained more fish oil than krill oil.
Most products met’s strict contamination limit for dioxin-like PCBs of 3 picograms per gram (3 parts per trillion). However, one product (a pet supplement) slightly exceeded this limit with 3.14 picograms per gram. However, this exposure is still very small compared to that from fish meat — a small serving (3 ounces) of fatty fish such as salmon may easily provide 170 picograms of dl-PCBs as well as a significant amount of mercury. Trace amounts of dl-PCBs were found in all supplements, despite claims on some of being free of contaminants. There was no detectable mercury in any of the supplements.
The cost to obtain 100 mg of EPA and/or DHA from fish oil ranged from about 1 cent to 15 cents among fish oil supplements, and was about 30 cents from krill or algae oils. A fairly standard daily dose of 500 mg of EPA + DHA from a quality-approved product could be had for as little as 6 cents. Higher prices were not associated with higher quality.
Concentrations of EPA and DHA ranged from less than 20% to over 80% of the marine oil content listed on front labels — which is why consumers should specifically look for the amounts of EPA and DHA which typically appear on side labels.
“Supplements providing EPA and/or DHA are a great alternative to fish as a source of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, as they typically have far fewer contaminants, cost less, and are more convenient to obtain. But products vary in quality, strength, odor-reduction, and price, so you need to choose carefully,” said Tod Cooperman, M.D.,’s president.

Consumption of EPA and DHA appears to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and may be helpful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, other inflammatory diseases, and psychiatric illness. EPA and DHA may also reduce the risk of certain cancers and macular degeneration. Fish oil supplements are given to pets to help maintain their coats and skin. U.S. sales of fish oil supplements in 2009 were 6 million, up 20% from the prior year, according to Nutrition Business Journal. A recent survey by showed that fish oil had become the most commonly used supplement among people who regularly use supplements, exceeding, for the first time, the use of multivitamins. Seventy four percent of respondents reported using a fish oil supplement.

The new report includes test results, quality ratings, comparisons and reviews of products from the following brands: Advocare, CardioStat (Amerifit), Carlson, CVS, Dr. Sears, Finest Natural (Walgreen), Garden of Life, Kirkland (Costco), Life Extension, Liquid Solutions, Master Omega, Natrol, Natural Factors, Nature Made, New Chapter, Nordic Naturals, NOW, NSI (Vitacost), Olympian Labs, OmegaBrite, Origin (Target), PregnancyPlus, Puritan’s Pride, Quest Longevity (Canadian), Res-Q, Solgar, Source Naturals, Spring Valley (Walmart), Swanson, Trader Joe’s, The Simpsons, Vital Nutrients, VitalOils (VitalRemedyMD), Vitamin Shoppe, Vitamin World, Weil, Wellements, and 1-800-PetMeds. The report also includes information about dosing, side-effects, cautions, reduced-odor products, and proper storage of fish oil.

In addition to the products reviewed, two krill oil ingredients by Enzymotec USA have been tested and approved for quality through’s Raw Materials Testing Program. is a leading provider of consumer information and independent evaluations of products that affect health and nutrition. The company is privately held and based in Westchester, New York. It has no ownership from, or interest in, companies that manufacture, distribute, or sell consumer products.

# # #

Witchcraft Medicine: Healing Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants

Witchcraft Medicine: Healing Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants

An in-depth investigation of traditional European folk medicine and the healing arts of witches • Explores the outlawed “alternative” medicine of witches suppressed by the state and the Church and how these plants can be used today • Reveals that female shamanic medicine can be found in cultures all over the world • Illustrated with color and black-and-white art reproductions dating back to the 16th century • Includes three 8-page color inserts and 158 b&w illustrations Witch me

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Intravenous Aspirin to Relieve Headache Pain

New York, NY (Vocus) September 27, 2010

Intravenous (IV) injection of aspirin is a very effective treatment of acute migraine headaches. The researchers in London reported in the journal Neurology that of the 113 patients who were given IV aspirin 86% reported moderate or good relief of their migraine.

There were very few side effects reported and the most common side effect, nausea was present in only 4 patients (although nausea could have also been due to migraine itself). The doctors reviewed 1,232 instances of aspirin infusions and found no major side effects. They do call for “careful monitoring” of patients with histories of asthma, gastro-intestinal bleeding or NSAID intolerance, but even in those patients they feel that “such patients can be counseled that the likelihood of a serious problem arising from the use of IV aspirin is very low”.

In most of their patients IV aspirin was used to treat very difficult withdrawal, or “rebound” headaches, suggesting that it would be even more effective for regular severe migraines that requires an injection. Dr. Peter Goadsby, one of the authors of the report feels that this is one of the few non-sedating and non-addictive IV treatment for severe migraines.

IV aspirin is not available in the US, but IV ketorolac (Toradol), a drug in the same NSAID family has been available for many years and according to Dr. Mauskop, Director of the New York Headache Center is also very effective for severe migraines and other headaches. He has given this drug to hundreds of patients with results similar to those reported for aspirin. Oral ketorolac however is much less effective than IV and than other oral NSAIDs. It also carries a much higher risk of side effects than intravenous ketorolac, aspirin, or oral aspirin and other oral NSAIDs.

About Alexander Mauskop, MD:

Alexander Mauskop, MD, known as “America’s Headache Doctor,” is a world-renowned neurologist, headache expert, author, and founder and director of the New York Headache Center. He is also creator of Dr. Mauskop’s Migralex™, the strongest combination medication for headaches available without a prescription, which is widely available online at, and at select pharmacies. He is board-certified in Neurology and Headache Medicine and is an Associate Professor of Clinical Neurology at the State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center.

About Dr. Mauskop’s Migralexâ„¢:

Dr. Mauskop’s Migralexâ„¢ is fast acting, free of sodium, caffeine and preservatives, and is clinically proven to ease headaches brought on by sinus pain, stress, tension, menstruation, and exertion. The formula reduces inflammation, inhibits the clumping together of platelets, relaxes blood vessels and normalizes dozens of chemical reactions, while successfully and rapidly attacking pain. Widely available at, and at select local pharmacies. Get a free sample of Dr. Mauskop’s Migralexâ„¢ here:


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