Can Alternative Medicine Cure Cancer?

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25 Responses to “Can Alternative Medicine Cure Cancer?”

  • Nilguiri:


    I wouldn’t say he was being arrogantly opinionated at all.
    As Cenk says, the science is in, and you can’t have your own facts.

    Your ignorant rants about how some day Cenk will have cancer and learn a “big lesson” are pathetic. Are you saying that he would reject chemotherapy and ask some new-age charlatan for help? I honestly doubt it; he is an intelligent and reasonable man, unlike you.

  • Nilguiri:


    I wouldn’t say he was being arrogantly opinionated at all.
    As Cenk says, the science is in, and you can’t have your own facts.

    Your ignorant rants about how some day Cenk will have cancer and learn a “big lesson” are pathetic. Are you saying that he would reject chemotherapy and ask some new-age charlatan for help? I honestly doubt it; he is an intelligent and reasonable man, unlike your dumb ass.

  • Nilguiri:


    I wouldn’t say he was being arrogantly opinionated at all.
    As Cenk says, the science is in, and you can’t have your own facts.

    Your ignorant rants about how some day Cenk will have cancer and learn a “big lesson” are pathetic. Are you saying that he would reject chemotherapy and ask some new-age charlatan for help? I honestly doubt it; he is an intelligent and reasonable man, unlike your dumb ass.

  • dharmaista:

    This man is an asshole. He has no clue what he is talking about. He is not a doctor, que doesn’t know anything about natural remedies and quimiotherapy, and on top of that, he is generalizing. If you don’t know in depth your subject, is better not to be arrogantly opinionated. One day he may have cancer, die because of quimio, and learn the big lesson to be more analytical about this deep matter.

  • Amsah:

    2:20 – Not at all. He’s simply distinguishing between freedom of expression and letting your kid die. Context matters.

    If your child is standing on train rails with a train speeding his way and you refuse to move him out of the way and are trying to prevent others from doing so because you believe some magical force will stop the train from killing your son, that doesn’t fall under freedom of expression to me but rather child abuse.

    You seem to agree, so what’s your point?

  • Katfellow:

    “So I dare you, quote him saying (or implying) he believes in freedom of expression if you do it his way”
    He’s setting HIS conditions for OTHERS to express their freedoms, including the right to refuse medical treatment.
    As I said before, I agree with him in a general way. The health of the kid must be a priority, but my origional opinion of TYT remains.
    The reason I’m treating you like an idiot cult member is that you seem to be acting like one.

  • Amsah:

    I’m actually asking you to point it out in *this* video. Don’t lose focus now.

    “Want an example, watch THIS video again.”

    ^That’s you.

    There’s no need to sit through thousands of videos, you have your evidence right here don’t you?

    I’m think I gave you a little bit too much credit in thinking we could actually have a decent debate. All you seem to be capable of doing is throwing around dirt and insults with no facts to back up your claims.

    Feel free to prove me wrong though.

  • Katfellow:

    I’m guessing you want me to sit through all 7,000+ of their videos to point out that which you refuse to admit to even the slightest possibility even after the rest of the world could see it? gtfo
    You’re acting like I slapped the high priest of your cult or something.
    You’re either a troll, an idiot, or english is so far from your native language that communication just isn’t possible. Either way, you’re wasting my time.

  • Amsah:

    I’m asking you what you’re smoking because you’re making up stuff. You’re seeing things that aren’t there.

    So I dare you, quote him saying (or implying) he believes in freedom of expression if you do it his way.

  • jonman701:

    Drugs are a huge scam, if you find the correct natural treatment your body can heal itself, the leading cause of death is drugs, leading cause of disease is drugs.
    Documented facts, the drug company’s FDA and Government are being paid off to keep you on drugs feeling money into there pockets, they are that corrupt, its a fact.
    People are so brainwashed by tv, ask yourself one thing, what is tv?
    It’s a place where information is pumped into your house and you can’t ask questions.
    Think about it.

  • jonman701:

    Oh and by the way if anyone here wants to insult each other back and forth, go ahead im not your baby sitter, im gonna state the facts, Chemo is a scam where the treatment could almost be sold to the cancer and say “we will get rid of the human for you?” and the funny thing is the success rate would be on the cancers side, Do a search for Dr Coldwell, he CURES people, nothing funny or fake, its documented scientific FACT, hard science, NO ONE can dispute this intelligently.

  • jonman701:

    With all due respect this guy knows NOTHING about this topic that IS a fact based on what he said.
    When you give Chemo to someone your damaging there body so they can’t really heal themselves, going from chemo to natural method won’t work well because of the damage from the chemo, the FACT is the Cancer cure works at a 90% success rate while Chemo is like 35% and Chemo isn’t curing.
    Dr Coldwell has CURED 35,000 people with a success rate of 90% and the rest were people just on Chemo. FACT!!

  • Katfellow:

    That was in a nutshell, how I see his DELIVERY….as in how he DELIVERS his pov.

    “What the hell are you smoking?” I could ask the same of you.
    You’re wasting my time with this.

  • Amsah:

    “I believe in freedom of expression, as long as you do it MY way.”

    What the hell are you smoking? That’s not even close to *anything* he said in this video.

  • Katfellow:

    If you’ve watched these videos for a couple years, you should know by now that being closed minded & bat shit insane is a common thing for these guys. Want an example, watch THIS video again.
    I agree with him in a general sort of way in this video, but not his delivery = I believe in freedom of expression, as long as you do it MY way.
    That’s closed mindedness & being bat shit insane.

  • Amsah:

    You’re not getting off that easily.

    I’ve been watching their videos for two years now. If they’re really so batshit insane as you’re claiming, you should be able to give me *at least* one example of this.

  • Katfellow:

    Watch their videos, you’ll figure it out sooner or later.

  • Amsah:

    Wait..TYTs insane and close minded? Really?

    Care to give me examples of their insanity and close mindedness?



  • DjDreamOfficial:

    4, DO THE Gerson Diet

  • DjDreamOfficial:

    1st it takes time for alternative Medicine to work. 2nd u must change your diet 3rd. NO DRUGS OR CHEMOTHERAPY.

    This Guy has know idea what he is talking about!!!!!!

  • Katfellow:

    TYT entertains me.
    They’re bat-shit insane & closed minded, but entertaining, all the same.

  • EYEthatwatchestheEYE:

    ill also mention that biopsys have been proven to spread cancer. yet they do it anyway to make u sicker and sell you more medicines that make u sick. the young turks are dumb ass professional schills.

  • EYEthatwatchestheEYE:

    dr max gerson was curing all kinds, ALL KINDS of cancer since 1923. he simply used natural organic foods. anyone who thinks deadly radiation or poisonous chemicals cures cancer deserves to die from their willful ignorance. watch the documentaries “the beautiful truth” and “the gerson miracle”. there is a clinic in mexico that cures cancer everyday for people condemned to die. the U.S. gov made the gerson therapy illegal. doctors cannot treat cancer with natural organic food.

  • resinman257:

    its written all on your backround you fucking stuipid turk tyt the young turk and thats what you are i have been doing natural resource for 15 years i have saved 9 lives including 2 kids of the age 11 and 17 i use hemp oil and it works its the goverment that says the lies like you do young turk so shut up you know nothing you just sit there and give your low comments and that my friend is the best you will ever do the reality is that you dont know shit your info comes from other people shut up

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