What Natural Remedies Can You Take For Migraine Headaches? Part 2

What Natural Remedies Can You Take For Migraine Headaches? Part 2

What Natural Remedies Can You Take For Migraine Headaches? Part 2

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Home Page > Health > Medicine > What Natural Remedies Can You Take For Migraine Headaches? Part 2

What Natural Remedies Can You Take For Migraine Headaches? Part 2

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Posted: Mar 11, 2007 |Comments: 0
| Views: 120 |

In Part 1 of this article, we looked at two categories of natural remedies for migraine headaches. We presented 7 nutrients and 2 means of manual therapy for migraine relief.

In Part 2, we will look at additional natural remedies you can take for migraine headaches.

Choosing a Natural Remedy for Migraine

If you choose a natural remedy for migraine treatment, you get no guarantees. One person’s natural remedy for migraine may or may not work for the next person. Since prescription medications also offer no guarantees, and do have side effects, you may want to try a natural remedy for migraine. You should, of course, ask your physician for advice.

Simple Home-style Remedies

A natural remedy for migraine need not be complex. For years, people have been applying simple, home-style remedies that are FREE or low-cost. You may use any or all of these for migraine relief.

1. Sleep

This is a free natural remedy for migraine. Have the migraine sufferer lie sown in a quiet, darkened room and sleep for several hours. Sleep is the body’s time for healing, and is an important factor is migraine relief.

2. Ice Pack

A second free natural remedy for migraine is a simple ice pack. Try placing a cold compress on the sufferer’s head as he or she lies in a dark, quiet room. You may use a purchased ice cap filled with ice, but it is just as effective to use an unopened bag of frozen vegetables. A bag of frozen peas is especially easy to use, since it readily conforms.

3. Warm bath

A warm, soaking bath in a darkened room will often relieve migraine symptoms. Keep the water as warm as comfortable. Candlelight is sufficient, and can add to the soothing effects.

4. Epsom Salts Bath

Epsom salts is a natural mineral – magnesium sulfate – that is a sedative for the nerves and a muscle relaxant. Add one or two cups of Epsom salts to hot bath water and soak, keeping the water comfortably hot.

CAUTION: People with high blood pressure, kidney disease, or heart disease should not use this natural remedy for migraine.

5. Deep Breathing

Sit quietly in a darkened room – soft candlelight is fine. Take a breath, as deep as possible, and slowly, slowly exhale it. Take a second deep breath, focusing on its depth, and the feeling as your lungs expand. Slowly release the breath, focusing on the lungs contracting. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly for 5 to 10 minutes, feeling calm and relaxed.


Since no one natural remedy for migraine will work for everyone, you may want to try aroma therapy as a complement to other remedies for migraine. Aromatherapy involves inhaling essential oils, or applying them to the skin. It is important not to apply them directly to the skin, but to mix them in a “carrier” oil such as sweet almond or apricot kernel that “carry” the essence. You can mix a small amount in your hand, or mix them ahead of time in a small, roll-on bottle.

1. Lavender

Lavender oil, extracted from the small, blue-violet flowers of the lavender plant, is a calming, soothing, sedative for the nerves. You will want pure lavender oil, not a perfume or lavender-scented oil. There are several ways you can use lavender oil as a natural remedy for migraine.

Inhalation: Place 2-4 drops in 2 cups of boiling water and inhale vapors.
Application: Moisten your finger tips with pure almond carrier oil. Add 2 drops of lavender essential oil, and gently massage your temples, behind each ear, and your neck.

CAUTION: Side effects are rare, but some people may develop an allergic reaction to lavender following inhalation or absorption through the skin.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using this natural remedy for migraine.

2. Other oils

In addition to lavender, you may want to experiment with other essential oils. A few that help migraineurs are: bay, eucalyptus, jasmine, melissa, peppermint, and rosemary. Since migraineurs’ attacks can be triggered by certain smells, you will want to choose the one that works best for you.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Surprisingly, apple cider vinegar can be a natural remedy for migraine. Boil together equal parts of natural apple cider vinegar and water in an open pan. When fumes begin to rise, and become comfortably strong, inhale for 50 to 60 deep breaths.

A third article in this series will round out our consideration of natural remedies for migraine headaches. Remember that all migraine sufferers should seek professional advice before using a natural remedy for migraine.

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Anna Hart
About the Author:

© 2007, Anna Hart. Member of a “migraine family” and sympathizer with all migraineurs, Anna invites you to read more of her articles

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