What Does a Chiropractor Do? : Chiropractic Relief of Neck Pain

How neck adjustments are performed at the chiropractor in this free alternative medicine video. Expert: Brian Renner Bio: Brian Renner graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Iowa. He is currently practicing in Fontana, California at the Southridge Chiropractic Center. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan
Video Rating: 4 / 5

5 years ago Harvey was diagnosed with brain cancer, and his doctors told him that he only had a year and a half to live. After having a portion of the brain tumor removed, and undergoing 8 weeks of chemotherapy (which he says he would NEVER do again, because of how horrific that experience was for him) he looked for some alternative cancer treatments. He noticed that a few people had mentioned Mexico to him, and even his chiropractor of many years gave him the name of a hospital down in Mexico that uses alternative methods to treat people with cancer. According to his doctors, Harvey should not be here with us today. Harvey is fully confident that the reason he’s doing so well is because of the treatment he received in Mexico, and he highly recommends that people with cancer seek out alternative treatments. Not only is Harvey still alive and WELL, but his immune system is so strong now that he hasn’t even been sick since 2004 when he was diagnosed with cancer! When you give the body what it needs, it can heal itself. Cancer can’t live and grow inside a healthy body. You cant heal with poisons (ex. chemotherapy)! Just because you might be more genetically susceptible to getting cancer, doesnt mean that you WILL get it (like a seed needs water, oxygen, light, etc. to grow; cancer cells need certain things to grow and flourish also… and a healthy body does NOT have what the cancer cells need). The cancer industry is a business, and a ‘cure’ would put them out of business …
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Chiropractors are NOT doctors….
Where’s the snake oil, bitch?
Save time by pressing here -> 1:47
Real life Alan Harper.
@GanjaOnDeck It sounds like he has no balls.
@chirojanee Risk/benefit. Anaesthetists weigh the individual risk against the risk of not performing surgery. Also liver failure from paracetamol is usually due to deliberate overdoses. What is this research that shows physios are less effective for neck pain? Or, for that matter the 1 in 2,000,000? The Canadian Stroke Consortium released a warning claiming neck manipulation was one of the leading causes of strokes under 45. Must be a lot of neck manipulation if that stat is true.
@naturalmotionraptor Okay, so look at stats…. 1 in 2 000 000 chance of stroke from Chiropractic, 1 in 10 000 DIE from anesthetic, 7500 people DIE from asprin each year in the US alone, parcetamol is the NUMBER 1 cause of acute liver failure in the US, research showed chiropractic more effective than physio for neck pain and headaches. So is drugs a “safe” alternative to chiropractic? Yes people have been injured, yes people have had strokes, the risks are there. Cars are more dangerous!!
@Section8Spectre well mate, get used to pounds and euros cause dollars are just part of the past, you silly bastard
I’m Tryin’ it.
@gene53945 what the fuck is a quid haha? i guess i think in dollars and cents and thats all
release the kraken
what a fag
“Training” or no, this is still dangerous. Manipulating the neck can damage the vertebral arteries, causing stroke, locked-in syndrome and death. See a doctor or physio, this is not a safe “alternative”.
If you have pinched nerves on your upper back, can a chiropractor be any help?
@yesh32 what the fuck are you talking about mate?
Why dont you go see one for yourself before you make stupid comments. english people think the same way about dentists and look at your teeth.
If you’re interested in chiropractic, but still worried about seeing one after watching this video, I strongly suggest you read this article that was released in 2010. The research is extremely up to date, accurate, and backed up with numerous sources.
That is pretty cool
How much would this cost in the UK, I’m 17 and had been in a car crash and had minor neck stiffness which went away but after sleeping wrong one time it came back and has slowly been getting worse to the point I have to click my neck a few times a day
@GanjaOnDeck nice
Don’t let the fact that he was touching a woman fool you, look at the way he was counting on his fingers… Look at his eyes!
this guy is a fkn homo!
Nice work Doc, Like to see someone i graduated with in some of these videos
@sideim sorry wrong person
@sideim idiot
@darcat09 he does not say what was done to him as an alternative treatment.
@bubblewrapbump you mean “moot?”
@LaMUCHACHAale bio care hospital . com (without the spaces).
Hi, can you tell me the name of the hospital in Tijuana and the # please,
I first heard about Colloidal Silver and alternative treatments when my wife and I came home from the Carribean. She had signs of low grade Dengue fever so I researched CS and it worked! 5 days later she’s as good as new. I used it orally and spray on my contact dermatitis and 3 days later good as new. I bought a CS generator to make my own and save money.
I guess you’ve never paid tax?
So not really free, is it?
No, most forms of cancer are where the cells in a certain area of the body begin to multiply at a phenomenal rate due to mutations in the anti-proliferation genes that regulate cell production. Very rarely, if ever, is cancer caused by a “deficiency”.
And healthcare is free in the UK, so where is the profit in keeping this “miracle cure” from the public? They’d save millions of pounds if your claims were true, and the government would leap at that chance. Your argument is mute.
Cancer, and any degenerative disease, is merely a deficiency or toxicity within the body. The Gerson Therapy addresses this and brings your body back into balance which in turn reverses your condition. The pharmaceutical industry does not want the public to know this. Why? Because they can’t profit from it. We are being lied to and poisoned by our doctors and Big Pharma. Follow the money trail. Spread the word about Gerson… you may be saving a life.
@Willowtable you are absolutely correct.
chemo only prolongs your life it doesn’t get rid of the cancer in fact it makes your body have to fight off more free radicals eventually cancer cells.
My brother is doing a natural protocol now and it’s working. Twice before he followed mainstream medicine and of course the cancer returned. Please read about the natural treatments. Ty Bollinger has a great book…great place to start.
PS aspertame (in all sugar free garbage has been shown to cause brain cancer)
Harvey, what did you do to get rid of the kidney stones?
then people got the cancer they saying omg im ding.but infact we all ding its just of question of time.
nobody lives forever.maybe after this life we will have a beautiful life once again, nobody knows but i want to believe in it.
What hospital?
I know others that have gone to this hospital and are living well. Glad you tried it out and have testimonials for others to see.
Jeff- great video! You are doing wonderful things! Keep sharing!
Very good video.
Enlightening! What was the name of the institution?