How To Treat UTI With Home Natural Remedy Natural UTI Remdy Report. Our body will also react better with natural treatments compared to medication or drugs. Home remedy uses n…
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Treat genital herpes with natural home remedies by using aloe vera. For complete information check this short video from ! Visit us t…

40 Responses to “How To Treat UTI With Home Natural Remedy”

  • andrew dube:

    Thank U for all the info I do not like taking drugs

  • ArtofBliss:

    Simply mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in an 8 ounce glass of pure water…
    do this twice daily. Stop eating sugar, processed food… eat lots of
    greens. Drink a gallon of water daily. Done!

  • BJ Daniels:

    hey guess what..i had cp letts say about 2-3 years severely..and all this
    time spending money on urologist and medicines and shit supliments or
    extracts wich they ar just dust in the eye…and now im cured i did with a
    tea made out of 16 plantes a cheap tea last longs and cured me in like..2-3
    weeks..hard to belive ey? i know i dont care either..ur mision is to find
    ur plant..not doctor or medicine

  • Kingpinn24:

    @lyssapwnsyourmom go buy garlic parsley cranberry juice, ac vinegar, &
    baking soda & kp thm in ur home

  • Dawn Lotharius:

    It looks like you don’t pay unless it works for you. And I am guessing they
    know many can’t pay at all. What do doctor’s charge for prescribing an
    antibiotic rather than guiding you to a natural, self-empowering solution?

  • Morganna Lefay:

    @lyssapwnsyourmom hi I recently discovered D mannose, the product I used
    was Cleartract powder, I got it at vitacost it worked for me and for many
    people, try it !

  • Priyantha Meemeduma:

    Amoxicillin is same as penicillin – only made suitable for taking in the
    capsule form while penicillins come in tablet form. Amoxicillin is better
    absorbed and the addition of clavulanic acid makes its power greater – and
    is called co-amoxiclav. Bactrim is really a sulpha drug – one of the
    earliest forms of antibiotics that can harm the kidneys. It contains
    trimethoprim + sulphamoxazole. Cloxacillin is bad on the kidneys while
    co-amoxiclav is hepatotoxic.

  • sultanchamp:

    How much should we take of each? Does it actually work? Thanks in advance.

  • shygirlnow2011:

    thanks for the info

  • S0XF0X:

    I don’t know. I’ve never tried this rather nasty-tasting-sounding remedy
    myself. I just know it would be a terrible idea to put in the genital area.

  • whatUneverknew:

    Seems like all the info you need is here and free. If you want to pay to
    learn recipies or cooking ideas with the 5 ingredients then you can, but
    you already got the info, so… what’s the complaint?


    Hey, all you woman that HAVE U.T.I ,,,go on u-tube here and look up (
    D-MANNOSE) it WILL cure you guaranteeed. Its all natural and its over the
    counter. You WILL thank me later. Doug.

  • Mimble Wimble:

    @draheer This is totally wrong. I have suffered from cystitis for 6years. I
    have been put on so many antibiotics that have weakened my bladder lining
    and I now have chronic interstitial cystitis(IC) This is a disease that I
    will have for the rest of my life.The herbal remedies are the best to use
    as they strengthen the body from within, whereas the antibiotics attack not
    only the infection but stay in your system once it has gone and weaken the
    immune system, which then leads to more infections.

  • nicdoro1976:

    @gladheateher4now Didn’t cure me

  • PearlyHomeRemedy:

    Urinary Tract Infections are more common in women than in men. Around 20%
    of women suffer from recurrent UTI’s and most women will have at least one
    urinary tract infection in their lives. The reason they affect women more
    is largely anatomical. The female urethra is shorter than the male’s (the
    tube which goes from the bladder our of the body) and it’s opening is near
    the anus. It is therefore more exposed to e-coli bacteria and hence to

  • Kingpinn24:

    @sallyos06460 what are you eating? Pastes, enriched flour wheat is sugar to
    the body, dough, cookies processed sugars noodles pasta bread all build up
    yeast in the body.

  • S0XF0X:

    You’d ingest them. Putting these materials in the genital area would be
    very painful, and could cause serious damage to the area.

  • Raevyn Jayde:

    I can’t take bactrim, I have stevens johnson syndrome. I have a severe
    allergic reaction to all sulfa drugs

  • sallyos06460:

    I chopped a big handful of parlsey on hot water. I drank throughout the
    day, I got headaches so drank more water plain. It is working so far. I am
    a constant sufferer.

  • Morganna Lefay:

    try D mannose

  • Raevyn Jayde:

    does doxycycline work on it as well?

  • Priyantha Meemeduma:

    I also had a urinary tract infection a week or so ago though my urine
    report was okay. What happened really is that the bacteria was still
    residing outside the bladder – Therefore, I quickly took co-amoxiclav
    tablets 375mg 8 hourly to kill the bacteria- Needless to say, it had
    worked. I have taken about 10 tablets. Nowadays, as amoxicillin has
    developed some sort of resistance to these organisms, the first choice may
    be either ciprofloxacin, or similar (ofloxacin)-

  • maya1787:

    Can i use this remidies in Pregnancy b’coz m 27 weeks pregnant ? let me
    know plz

  • anthony stavans:

    And again why are we the public allowing these stinking rich companies to
    use us as ginny pigs now i was scared to see the crap coming out of ny dick
    and some one said use baking soda well i already done gone and panic went
    to md and the big rude md said no shit dude this is the only way to get
    effcient result above all other remedies i almost said so you too is being
    paid a share from these drug companies ..

  • lyssapwnsyourmom:

    This really pissed me off. If you were interested in helping people you
    wouldn’t be sending them to some pay site you would just tell folks how to
    get better. You attempting to make money off someone in desperate pain is
    just evil.

  • Noreen M. Luna:

    Thanks for the movie. I really did suffer with herpes virus for nearly 2
    years with multiple skin breakouts till I’ve found this simple & effective
    method of treatment. Visit the following website for more information:

  • Nancy L:

    How to get rid of oral herpes is an ongoing problem You can take
    antipyretic and pain killers but they wont help with the outbreak. Visit
    FirstDale. com Find out how you really can get rid of herpes Herbal tea
    with herpes most effective at keeping your eating habits is that will be
    passed from being at our new tissue growth.

  • rossella di domenico:

    A friend on mine cured two kinds of herpes – HSV 1 HSV 2. He hasn’t had an
    outbreak since July 1993. I now volunteer for the CureDrive network. You
    don’t have to PAY anything, but you do need to LEARN how. 0172 919022 call
    me I’ll help you. As I live in Italy you may pefer 2 call me om Skype. My
    Skype address is argento_cuore_di_gatta Thousands of people people have
    cured herpes this way. There are hundreds of free movies about this on
    YouTube, with folks demonstrating how ro

  • adam peterson:

    hi there! Let’s cure your herpes! just follow our 3 simple steps and you
    will be cured! go to oneminuteherpescure(.)com , i’ll tell you the only
    treatment that finally eliminates the real cause of herpes!

  • Adam Odilo:

    Wow… Great presentation. This presentation on how to use the herpes home
    remedies are really helpful.

  • Andrew Cho:

    It goes away sometimes

  • Rosa L:

    How to get rid of herpes is an ongoing problem You can take antipyretic and
    pain killers but they won’t help with the outbreak. Visit FirstDale. com
    Find out how you really can get rid of herpes Of them until they were only
    bring on an HSV 2 is debatable however as traditional medicine that has
    failed to treat the end of the most people with herpes outbreaks of topical
    solution was applied.

  • ellyganes95:

    after using aloe vera for 30mins….do one need to rinse it off? If can
    rinse,can one use feminine wash? please reply ASAP

  • Diego Caldera:

    after ı bought this produc my sexual life became amazing.

  • drvijaykamat:

    Herpes can be related to visarpa or viddha in ayurveda which are pitta
    predominant conditions,topical treatment alone won’t help, anti-pitta diet,
    antiviral herbal remedies, managing stress, good sleep can keep symptoms at
    bay and prevent further recurrences. search for biogetica herpes remedies
    they have a wide range of ayurvedic herbs, homeopathic, holistic healing
    and nutraceutical formulations

  • Rahadi Hendrastono:

    Hi! Thank you for this helpful video. By the way, I notice many people keep
    on talking about Shinglezim Remedy (do a google search), but I’m not sure
    if it is really good. Have you tried home remedy called Shinglezim Remedy?
    I have heard several great things about it and my cousin completely cures
    his shingles naturally with this remedy.

  • Sebas Monfort:

    I used to suffer from limp erections before I took Prolargent5x5
    enhancement pills. I never really seemed to get any decent erections
    especially when with a woman and frankly it was starting to get to be very
    frustrating. Now after this pills I have been getting very nice erections,
    so all I can say is that they do actually work, thanks, that’s all” (If you
    have Ed problem check )

  • Andrew Cho:

    Also there’s no cure for it

  • Eggy Hendriawan:

    Hey! Thanks for this helpful video. By the way, I hear a lot of people keep
    on talking about Herpenozilax Remedy (do a google search), but I’m not sure
    if it is really good. Have you tried using home remedy called Herpenozilax
    Remedy? I’ve heard some incredible things about it and my buddy completely
    cure his herpes naturally with this remedy.

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