I was at the Marae when herbs came to Ruatoria and sang this song for the first time many of the old ones in the video are gone and many of the young ones have grown up and moved on.How time flies.
Yip … those were the dayz sittin outside Tapu pub with the pig dogs, my brother 6 me 5 after dad had gone huntin, stumblin out with a raseberry and potato chips. Us playin with the kids.. No moaning here!!
Happy days xxoxx
This is awesome…I’m a big fan of progressive rock music, and if you look back you’ll find that Charlie Tumahai, the singer here, was in legendary British prog rock band Be Bop Deluxe…this guy is diverse, and super super talented.
Your still the best,Drank long necks with you thirty years ago in the Hawkes mum an dads place>Drank with Ian Dury in his house in Hamersmith London and he told me how you guys were the were great musicans, he had your flag!
oh em gee!!!!!….this so brings back alot of memories i used to listen to this song wen i was young lolz especially at the whanaus partys haha love it!!! 🙂
This song has soooo much power in the lyrics,if you listen carefully you will hear that we are not as devided as most politains think we are(eg;different whenua,hapu or iwi)
No matter where you are from WE ARE ALL BAND TOGETHEER AS ONE)no matter where in Aoetearoa.
Im only 27yrs old and i have learent most if the old ways aswel as the modern days of life.
I am from Tauranga and there’s far too many maori who have lost there way in the pakeha world.
we are UNIQUE.
Please whanau never forget
hehe yeah reminds me of bbq’s in summer with pigs head almost ready and dad and the uncles cracking the big bottle DB’s ……… man growing up in new zealand was AWESOME!!!!
Wow! i’m with you all, flood of memories aint far from the truth…so sad n ways…a part of my life i’d love to relive in a second. They were the best days ever, if only…..!! I remember Alex Karaka from the same period. Dilworths son, bk in the days when i hung with my whanau in Grey Lynn for the holidays…HERBS 4 LyF!!!!
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I was at the Marae when herbs came to Ruatoria and sang this song for the first time many of the old ones in the video are gone and many of the young ones have grown up and moved on.How time flies.
@c3kritc0de I feel ya
One of the best bands N.Z have ever seen!! Why hav’nt we celebrated them more??
Yip … those were the dayz sittin outside Tapu pub with the pig dogs, my brother 6 me 5 after dad had gone huntin, stumblin out with a raseberry and potato chips. Us playin with the kids.. No moaning here!!
Happy days xxoxx
This is awesome…I’m a big fan of progressive rock music, and if you look back you’ll find that Charlie Tumahai, the singer here, was in legendary British prog rock band Be Bop Deluxe…this guy is diverse, and super super talented.
@c3kritc0de i think herbs pretty much defines nz for our generation:)
this song reminds me of my parents…hahaha used to remember them at the pub with the karioke ! hahahaha… tena koe !
Your still the best,Drank long necks with you thirty years ago in the Hawkes mum an dads place>Drank with Ian Dury in his house in Hamersmith London and he told me how you guys were the were great musicans, he had your flag!
oh em gee!!!!!….this so brings back alot of memories i used to listen to this song wen i was young lolz especially at the whanaus partys haha love it!!! 🙂
can someone please post “Reggae’s doin fine “its the Herbs tribute to Uncle Bob!!!!!!!!!!!!chur chur..
aoteroa is the meanest…loved growing up az a kid
This song has soooo much power in the lyrics,if you listen carefully you will hear that we are not as devided as most politains think we are(eg;different whenua,hapu or iwi)
No matter where you are from WE ARE ALL BAND TOGETHEER AS ONE)no matter where in Aoetearoa.
Im only 27yrs old and i have learent most if the old ways aswel as the modern days of life.
I am from Tauranga and there’s far too many maori who have lost there way in the pakeha world.
we are UNIQUE.
Please whanau never forget
suchhhh a gooooood voiiiceee, such a good band, such a goood song, such a good country
hehe yeah reminds me of bbq’s in summer with pigs head almost ready and dad and the uncles cracking the big bottle DB’s ……… man growing up in new zealand was AWESOME!!!!
An amazing song, the tradition, the love.
Kia-ora to all the kiwis out there, This should be our national anthem, vote i for support.
Leopard Lager.
Make this the official song of the Rugby world cup in 2011!!!!!
Aotearoa, I miss you. Maoris, you fellas are awesome!
tumekeeeeeeeeeeee cuzzies
I miss home soooo much and this song brings it all back!
Wow! i’m with you all, flood of memories aint far from the truth…so sad n ways…a part of my life i’d love to relive in a second. They were the best days ever, if only…..!! I remember Alex Karaka from the same period. Dilworths son, bk in the days when i hung with my whanau in Grey Lynn for the holidays…HERBS 4 LyF!!!!
Home’s still the same! Jst all the kuia and koroua on hea hav moved on now its quite sad. Dis is a treasure. Thank you for putting this up!