Burt’s Bees Natural Remedy Outdoor Survival Kit

Burt’s Bees Natural Remedy Outdoor Survival Kit

  • Features comfrey, olive fruit oil, sweet almond oil, beeswax, peppermint oil and rosemary oil
  • Natural ingredients protect against environmental factors
  • Not tested on animals

Sunburn, insects, poison ivy . . . when nature bites, shield and fight back with these natural remedies. Vitamin-enriched natural oils, soothing aloe and healing comfrey create effective lotions, salves and soaps to help you shield your skin from the elements, no matter what your weekend adventure.

Rating: (out of 10 reviews)

List Price: $ 12.99


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5 Responses to “Burt’s Bees Natural Remedy Outdoor Survival Kit”

  • Laura:

    Review by Laura for Burt’s Bees Natural Remedy Outdoor Survival Kit
    All burt’s bees items are great! They are all natural and fun to use! Here are my rankings-

    Quality- 5/5

    Scent- 3/5 (some smell bad)

    Usefullness 4/5

    I recommend getting any Burts bees products!

  • K. Zimmers:

    Review by K. Zimmers for Burt’s Bees Natural Remedy Outdoor Survival Kit
    This is a copy of my review for the hand salve:

    Great stuff! I originally found this in a health food store on a camping trip near Yellowstone two summers ago and didn’t think I would see it again. Well, this winter I went to order some more (it can last a long time!) and was surprised to find it on Amazon.

    To use, I scrap off a bit with my thumbnail and apply it to the back on of one of my hands. The consistency is pretty stiff in the can, seems almost like shoe polish, but once scraped free it flows well on the hands. It’s a little greasy feeling at first as it takes a while to absorb into the skin, that’s why I apply to the back of my hand, that way I can better control the amount on the front of my hands, and my keyboard. I’ll admit that I’m a desk jockey now so my hands don’t see the same abuse as when I was working in the field. However, you might be surprised how handling paper all day can dry out your skin.

    Each can seems to have its own smell, which is a good smell. I don’t think I could explain what that smell is as it’s pretty unique. I often take a newly opened can to my girlfriend for a whiff and an `mmmmm.’ In the mass produced synthetic world each product seems to have a perfect consistency, that’s the goal I suppose. Not a great goal in my opinion. Opening a can of Bart’s Bees to discover its particular smell is one of the simple pleasures in life that makes me feel human and alive. Silly maybe but true for me.

    Anyway, I love the stuff and I’m finding that I’m using it more and more. I even have a can at work and in the car now. For the holidays I got the Burt’s Bees Natural Remedy Kit for my girl friend and she loves it.

  • ruckerlady:

    Review by ruckerlady for Burt’s Bees Natural Remedy Outdoor Survival Kit
    This is a good kit to carry along in your pack. The products work well & smell great. I really like the insect repellant.

  • J. Kretzschmar:

    Review by J. Kretzschmar for Burt’s Bees Natural Remedy Outdoor Survival Kit
    I ordered this for my daughter. She really likes the fact that this product is an all natural. She likes for me to purchase Burt’s Bees products form Amazon for her. I received the order very quickly and it was in excellent condition.

  • C. Atherley:

    Review by C. Atherley for Burt’s Bees Natural Remedy Outdoor Survival Kit
    My title said it all. Burts Bees is just so natural and good for you!!! GET IT!! 😀

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