Vitamins & Supplements Stack – L-Carnitine, Creatine, Wild Salmon and…
Sharing my current Vitamin/Supplement stack and some products which I was previously taking and why I stopped. I’m a big fan of Creatine Monohydrate, Wild Sa…
Sharing my current Vitamin/Supplement stack and some products which I was previously taking and why I stopped. I’m a big fan of Creatine Monohydrate, Wild Sa…
Checkout today’s #YouTube #VLOG on my current #Vitamins and #Supplements stack, including
#Creatine , L- #Carnitine , Wild Salmon Fish Oil, Mens #Multivitamin and
more! #YouTubers #Health #Fitness #HealthyLifestyle
Your really cute bro
Ignore my last comment….what I wanyed say is that I am taking one centrum
pill a day after lunch. Is there much differnce between that and that Adams
pill? I also take a 600mg calcium and 500 IU vitwmin d3 pill OsCal brand. I
am 19.
Hey dude….I am taking 1 vent2rum pill
Pretty solid stack, thanks for sharing… I might try Carnitine
are you taking any sort of preworkouts or anything like that?
Yohimbine does have some pretty good reviews, might give it a shot
Sometimes I’ll have “MuscleTech: Phase8″… I’ve tried many, but this one
is just awesome for so many reasons… check it out on BodyBuilding(.com)
Thanks for the response dude
Hey Zahinn, there’s actually a good discussion on the use of Centrum on the
BodyBuilding site forums. From what I gather people have concerns of it
being fully absorbed, and that it has some ingredients that aren’t
necessarily needed for men. Many question the “quality” of the product in
comparison to an ADAM multi. To be honest, the ADAM brand multi’s are so
cheap and give you so much of what’s needed it’s hard to use something
else. I’d say compare the labels and see which makes more sense 🙂
You taking protein? if so, which 1?
ya cla doesnt really do much