The ABC and Ds of Vitamin Supplements and Health

Visit: UCSF Internist Dr. Jeffrey Tice, helps make sense of all the studies on vitamins and health. Series: “UCSF Osher Mini Medical Sc…

14 Responses to “The ABC and Ds of Vitamin Supplements and Health”

  • Mark Pontius:

    Most of my adult live I have been neglecting to eat the recommended amount
    of fruits and vegetables and went the supplemental way. I recently visited
    the doctor and he said that whatever it is I’m doing to keep it up –
    exercise, not smoking, and keeping the weight down. In my 50’s I’m more
    healthy now than I was when I was in my 20’s. I also eat lots of meat and
    drink alcohol in moderation. I wish I could know what my health would be
    now if I had chosen not to take supplements.

  • Patty Groenland:

    Very interesting. If anyone has heard of updates of the studies on Vit. D +
    calcium he mentioned that had started, I’d love to hear about that. 

  • joy m:

    Read the book Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet. Great book and makes

  • Daniel Erat:

    I attended this talk at UCSF Parnassus last year. It may be of general
    interest if you’re considering taking vitamins, but I particularly enjoyed
    the repeated pattern starting at 7:28 of “there was early evidence that
    supplementing with X was beneficial, but later randomized controlled trials
    demonstrated that doing so actually causes harm” — I think that it very
    clearly demonstrates why the healthy user effect makes it dangerous to draw
    conclusions from observational studies.

    If some behavior is generally regarded as being healthy, health-conscious
    people are more likely to do it. They are also likely to engage in many
    other behaviors regarded as healthy. Researchers try to control for known
    factors that aren’t being studied, like smoking, obesity, or exercise, but
    the track record when hypotheses from observational studies are tested with
    controlled trials is poor — see the summary at 1:04:21.

    It’s far more difficult to run controlled trials on diet than on vitamins;
    as a result, dietary recommendations are even more heavily dependent on
    observational studies. The authoritative tone that’s often used when
    presenting these recommendations frustrates me. I don’t know what the
    answer is.


  • yurbs:

    Obviously this person has never had chronic disease that responded to
    supplementation because of deficiencies caused by inborn or acquired
    defects of metabolism. If he did, he’d realize that many of those
    supplements can make a huge difference in the quality of life.

  • DrVitaUSA:

    Fabulous video! There is a lot of great information and well delivered.

  • Sandra Nundy:

    Vitamins from petrochemicals cannot be good for you. These are from nature
    and a pioneering company and process. You need to see Touchstone Essentials



  • Ed Brill:

    Calcium + Vitamin D + Vitamin K2 = Strong Bones.

  • personalperspective:

    Watch it all for details but to save some time: Summary 1:04:54 everything
    (Vit A,E,C, beta-carotene, Ca) is harmful or unhelpful or unknown; Vitamin
    D3 and Omega 3s are unknown with future tests around the corner. Dr.Tice: I
    do take a multivitamin but it’s not recommended doesn’t seem beneficial
    1:20:40 and not worth the money. CoQ10 & Glucomsamine don’t appear
    supported either. Conclusion: eat real food; not too much, mostly plants.
    imo this will probably all change again in a few years. =)

  • Blakk Nyte:

    Amazing lecture thank you

  • FHS74Int:

    that was a really awesome talk.

  • swires86:

    these studies arent about vitamins, instead they are about _synthetic_
    vitamins, so they´re pretty much meaningless

  • Vadim Stetsyuk:

    He mentions that there are uses for people who have deficiencies. For
    example diabetic’s who takes Metformin are also prescribed Vitamin B12
    because its well known that Metformin reduces B12 absorption. People who
    have Bariatric surgery are prescribed multivitamins. He saying for normal
    healthy people most supplements don’t really do much.

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