Skinspirations Debuts CoolSculpting Service to Meet Rising Demand for Nonsurgical Fat-Reduction Procedures
Skinspirations Debuts CoolSculpting Service to Meet Rising Demand for Nonsurgical Fat-Reduction Procedures
Tampa Bay, FL (PRWEB) April 02, 2015
The newest statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reveal non-surgical body contouring treatments are up by 43% in just one year, making last year the first time more than 100,000 treatments were performed in one year since ASAPS started tracking the statistic. (1) Even though non-surgical fat-reduction procedures are on the rise, The Atlantic reports liposuction is down by 41% (2), indicating that as more non-invasive alternatives become available, more patients may be opting for these methods to fight the battle of the bulge. Tampa Bay cosmetic facility Skinspirations has recently added CoolSculpting to their menu of services to meet the demand for non-surgical fat-reduction treatments. While there have been many recent advances in non-invasive fat-reduction technology, CoolSculpting has been deemed the most effective of the fat reduction devices.
CoolSculpting was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in September of 2010, (3) and has already treated over one million patients. (4) The device is unique in that it selectively reduces fat layers in problem areas by using a patented cooling technology. During the clinically proven procedure, a non-invasive applicator delivers precisely controlled cooling to the treatment area in order to induce a natural, controlled elimination of fat cells. Since underlying fat is specifically targeted, surface skin tissue remains unaffected. When fat cells are exposed to extreme cold, a process of natural removal is triggered, which gradually reduces the thickness of the fat layer. Once the fat cells are frozen, they are naturally eliminated from the body and gone for good. As a result, bulges in treated areas of the body are reduced without harming surrounding tissue.
Invasive fat-reduction procedures, such as liposuction, come with risks including infections, internal organ punctures and fat embolism (loosened fat breaking away and becoming trapped in a blood vessel). (5) CoolScuplting does not require surgery or needles, making it a safer alternative to liposuction. Because the delivery of precise cooling affects only targeted fat cells, adjacent tissues are left unharmed and intact. The procedure must be performed in a medical office under the supervision of a physician specializing in cosmetic procedures.
“CoolScultping has only been around for a few years, but already we are seeing a huge increase in the amount of patients receiving it,” says Cynthia Elliott, M.D., owner of Skinspirations. “I’m expecting that we’ll see CoolSculpting become one of the biggest trends in non-surgical procedures.”
CoolSculpting was developed by ZELTQIQ and is based on a process called Cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis resulted from a discovery by Drs. Dieter Manstein and R. Rox Anderson at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. First published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, a peer-reviewed professional journal, their initial work proved that subcutaneous fat cells are naturally more vulnerable to the effects of cold than other surrounding tissue. When exposed to precisely controlled cooling for a sustained period of time, fat cells will undergo a gradual cell death through a process called “induced apoptosis.” (6)
Because CoolSculpting is noninvasive – reported side effects have included temporary numbness, redness, swelling and bruising – patients do not need downtime to recover from the procedure. The procedure lasts one to two hours, and patients can resume daily activities including work and exercise immediately following treatment. After a CoolSculpting treatment, fat cells will self-destruct over several months. On average, each CoolSculpting Procedure results in a 20% reduction of fat in the treated areas, and patients can start to see results as soon as three weeks following the treatment. In most patients, the most dramatic results occur over a period of two to four months.
For more information about Skinspirations and its nonsurgical cosmetic services, visit
About Dr. Cynthia Elliott and Skinspirations:
Cynthia Elliott, M.D., is the board-certified owner of Skinspirations, located in Clearwater, Florida. Dr. Elliott obtained her M.D. from the University of Illinois College of Medicine, and then completed her residency in Emergency Medicine at Denver General Hospital and the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. She has been on staff at Bayfront Medical Center, St. Joseph’s Hospital, University Community Hospital and Mease Countryside Hospital, and has served on the faculty of the USF School of Medicine. Dr. Elliott currently serves as an expert witness in Cosmetic Medicine for the Florida Board of Medicine. Her company, ExpertEsthetics, provides online video training in advanced injection techniques, as well as hands-on technique training for other practitioners. Dr. Elliott is also a national and international trainer for Cutera Lasers, training other physicians in the use of aesthetic lasers with skin of all colors. Skinspirations specializes exclusively in rejuvenation, enhancement and anti-aging treatments for the face and body. With her staff of aesthetic experts, you know you’ll get the best results obtainable. Dr. Elliott has been in practice for over 20 years, and has the experience and reputation to have been chosen by the makers of Botox® Cosmetic and Juvéderm to train other physicians and practitioners in her techniques. For more information, visit
1. “ASAPS: Nonsurgical Fat-Reduction Procedures, Butt Lifts Reign Supreme in 2014.” Plastic Surgery Practice, 26 Feb. 2015. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.
2. Khazan, Olga. “Bigger Booties, Smaller Chins: Trends in Plastic Surgery.” The Atlantic, 5 Mar. 2015. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.
3. Kee, Edwin. “ZELTIQ CoolSculpting system gets FDA approval.” Ubergizmo, 13 September 2010. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.
4. “Your Questions, Answered.” Web. 26 Mar. 2015.
5. “Liposuction.” The Mayo Clinic, 14 Mar. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.
6. Manstein D, Laubach H, Watanabe K, Farinelli W, Zurakowski D, Anderson R. Selective cryolysis: a novel method of non-invasive fat removal. Laser Surg Med. 2008,40:595-604
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