Seizures in Dogs and Cats: 5 Natural Remedies.mp4 This video shows you the 5 most important Natural Remedies that you can use to treat your dog or cat’s seizures.
NATURAL REMEDIES TO TREAT MY ACNE, ACNE SCARS and SKIN DISCOLORATIONS. HOME REMEDIES FOR ACNE. Natural skincare remedies for acne,pimples and Blemishes. My N…
My dog snaps at flies when there are none in the room. I researched it and
found an article saying that this can be a sign of Seizures. Is this true?
I wanted to adopt a dog from a shelter that is being treated for heartworm
and is now developing seizures. Is it safe to adopt a dog 4 years old pit
mix girl who I have met twice and she is extremely sweet. I want to make
sure she isn’t suffering while having the seizure. Is it safe to adopt a
dog who is being treated for heartworm and now having seizures?? Please
help. The women said if I don’t adopt her she will be put down and I won’t
be able to handle that thinking it is my fault if I don’t adopt her.
Please help!!!
Thuja is supposed to detox vaccines. Some recommend Homeopathic version.
my cat just started having seizures. she is 16. she doesn’t fall on the
ground and move around. she sits frozen, loses bladder function and
salivates a lot. it seems to be happening every day. waiting on blood work
but maybe i’ll try the acupressure trick on her next one. hopefully i don’t
get bit.
My dog flips off my bed when she has seizures. Poor thing. All started
after vaccinations. Scary stuff.
My dog started having them after 2-3 months after receiving blunt force
trauma to his head. I was throwing logs to the wood pile and…..he decided
to chase it. If the log wasn’t bent in a L shape then I’m 99% positive he
would have died that day. I dunno what type this is but he will lock up and
he knows when they are coming. He gets into my lap and then what ever
position he is in he will lock up and shake until it’s over (2-5 minutes).
What type is this?
What about when they start having a head tilt and their eyes roll back in
their heads? For causes don’t forget a bad reaction to a vaccine like
Rabies or from those awful spot on flea treatments. Also homeopathic
remedies can be dissolved in water and then just some of the liquid put in
the pet’s cheek. Use the plastic cap/ don’t touch the remedy or put it in a
metal spoon. If the pet (calms down) or seems worse initially, it is the
right remedy. If not, you may need a different one.
Great stuff and well worth trying. Thanks for sharing this as seizures can
be very, very scarey with big dogs.
my dog Georgie has WSS and I wake up to a ginormous puddle of barf… like
huge. is that normal? he has been on medication but we took him off and he
had another seizure last night
yes my little Mandy has had 4 that i know of when not at work. You can see
Mandy in Puppy Claus….with her sister thank you for your advice
doctor….all the blessing of the world upon you…for your help….you can
see her here on Puppy Claus
You could stop acne yourself by using organic method, and you will begin to
see the result in only 7 days
The good news is you don’t have to live with your scar from now on. You
really can eliminate your scar, no matter with what size, how long you’ve
had, permanently without having expensive and risky procedure – all in a
natural way
Try sea salt
aaah I was cringing watching the frequency of you touching your face….big
no no.
it works?
nice video , If anyone else is trying to find the most effective secrets
for curing your acne condition try ‘banfan incredible acne genie’ ( search
on google)? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my mate got
excellent results with it.
i suffer from body acne and breakouts and have dark spots all over that i
am trying to remove. is there any specific products (preferably natural
skin products ) that you suggest for removing the dark spots ?
you wont touch the essential oil bottle but you were rubbing all over your
face the whole time? that’s a lot of the cause for acne is repeatedly
touching your face
If you’re struggling with acne then go to HEREPA com for a permanent way
to quickly get rid of zits and scars. Visit HEREPA com and check it out!
The wine tails the humdrum music
When does the rightful degree join the support?
The back draws the breath
Hello there! Have you heard the talk about – Masket Amazing Acne Cure
(should be on google have a look)? Ive heard some extraordinary things
about it and my co-worker got great results with it.
Awww, Thanks so much. 🙂
🙂 – natural way is the best acne treatment
yess, definitely give it a try sis. I really like it.
yes my acne has cleared up, i also eat a clean diet which has also help my
skin alot.
Thanks so much. 🙂
Has your acne cleared up now? I wanna know what’s your routine like My
sister’s wedding’s in two months and my face is crowded with these ugly
acne scars, I’m freaking out I need something that REALLY works!
I will have to find and try the lemon oil! I have been slicing a lemon in
half each night before bed, and I sprinkle a little salt on it as an
exfoliant for my skin. Circular motions on my face and let it sit for 10-20
minutes. lightens my spots/scars a lot!, you said lemon oil was more
concentrated so I would like to try this, great video, and your skin is
looking great!(:
I didn’t mean 2 but I was just frustrated watching so much videos that
wasn’t helpful im very sorry
hey, have get ride of all your acne scars whit lemon oil?
You are so welcome. 🙂 – Holistic Acne System I wanted people to know that there were
others solutions aside from scary drugs like Accutane. You can try it risk
free I now have a clear face and I am no longer down because of my skin
try african black soap. aliffia is a good brand. nubian heritage too!
Okay, Thanks . and you so welcome.