Dynamic Health 100% Pure Organic Certified Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate, 16-Ounce

Dynamic Health 100% Pure Organic Certified Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate, 16-Ounce

  • A rich source of antioxidants.
  • It can help maintain heart health.
  • Can help maintain joint health and blood circulation.

Tart Cherries have pleased the palates of food lovers for centuries. Now there are new reasons to love tart cherries. As a recent Newsweek article said “The day when doctors say – ‘Take 10 cherries and call me in the morning’ – may not be far off.” According to ongoing research, tart cherries are a rich source of antioxidants that can help maintain heart health, joint health and blood circulation. The secret is in the pigments that give tart cherries their rich red / black hue. They belong to a

List Price: $ 18.73


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