Asthma – Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Treat asthma with natural home remedies using either honey or Indian gooseberry. For complete information check this short video from ! Visit us to discover over 1000…

Treat enlarged prostate with natural home remedies by using Indian gooseberries . For complete information check this short video from…
I love your accent! And thank you for posting this video!
non allergic asthma you get from bakteria like staph. aureus….
Thanksfor the information
Hi Homeveda! Wondering if you can tell me where can I buy the powders here
in Los Angeles. I would like to try this on my kids so they can stop taking
all the meds they’re on.
We have some herbal medicines which helps in eradicating Asthma from root.
email us at or call us at +91 9815617567 The
best thing about this medicine is that it dont have any side effects like
steroids which are widely used. This medicine helps you correct bronchitis,
helps you to leave your inhalers.
You are cute 🙂
hi any remedy for daily running nose and sneezing
you are gorgeous.
Will have to try this remedy for my daughter and I as I have been told the
Inhalers destroy your braincells. No wonder I go into the kitchen and come
out wondering what I went in there for. Great channel, keep up the good
you are beautifull by the way
Have you heard about Lean Body Blaster? (Google it) It is a quick way for
you to get rid of fat fast.
Thanks for the information. Can you suggest a brand name for gooseberry
powder available in US.
Thanks a lot Mam for the info, i too have asthma symptoms for more than 10
yrs, but not sure whether it is allergic or non-allergic, anyway i will try
the tips daily. Hope it helps me. And by the way, you look very pretty too
Thanks for the great videos, btw; Already started using some of them.
All is fine but the pronunciation of word asthma is AeSMA or AeZMA….not
You’re welcome! Hope you’ve checked out our facebook page as well!!
God bless you for sharing
jai ho mata.
Hi there, have you heard about “Fat Blast Formula”? (check on google) You
will discover the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With “Fat
Blast Formula”, you will discover how to shed pounds quickly.
A Total Help.
Thank u
Hello! I’m James.I did -15 lbs last one week.Open
It still surprises me, how many people don’t know about Uritrafe Remedy (do
a search on google), although lots of people completely cure their UTI
naturally with this remedy. Thanks to my buddy who told me about Uritrafe
Remedy, I finally eliminated my pain & embarrassment for good with natural
Sounds like a load of tosh and indeed wiki confirms it.Triphala for example
has never been subjected to any proper scientific blind trials. That’s
always the case with these quack remedies. Also notice that because these
are never proper treatments to get around legal agro they have to use the
word ‘remedy’ rather than ‘treatment’ or ‘cure’.
I found desi because I’m here
unfortunately, I live in the USA,where prostate cancer is king. However,im
short on Indian Gooseberrys and whatever that other ingredient was.
My pain during urination, blood in urine and incontinence have nothing to
do with my prostate. It is a lifestyle choice. I do wish people on YouTube
would not judge me before meeting me.
I think what she meant was to boil 250mL of water, add a Tablespoon of
Triphala, and let is sit for 20mn. Otherwise, it would not make any sense.
The use of trifala is very useful.It is giving very good results.Some
people has quairy that after 20 minutes boiling very little water is left.I
give useful tip ,boil on small berner ,you will get very good results.All
the best. J S kharay
(a) A lot of sexual disability or health problems of men comes from their
immoral living style, whether they sleep with women before marriage and
keep changing partners, sleep with a prostitute or someone with a lot of
sexual experience, or you just think of erotic stuff a lot and watch porn
daily. In a word, the lesser you think about sexual behavior, the better.
(b) Notice that unmarried young men or young women who has not slept with
anyone are all healthy, and married couple who are faithful each other has
no sexual, health problem (usually Christian). They have it “under control”
You MUST be able to control yourself. Train yourself to be in complete
control. Yes, food can help. But, it does not solve the actual problem.
Good luck.
o Triphala powder o Indian Gooseberries + turmeric powder + honey
Prostate has nothing to do with sex. Prostatitis caused due to bacterial
infection can be further divided into two types which are acute bacterial
prostatitis and chronic bacterial prostatitis.
I made another, used a bit more water, brought to boil, added triphala
powder and cooked for 2 minutes, but it looked darker — so did I not let
it cook enough — why is your batch lighter?
It may help, but triphala is by far the worst-tasting stuff I have ever
This is not surprising to Herbalists around the world. We use plants and
minerals all the time for healing. Science often takes a long time to catch
up. here in the rainforests of Panama, learning from the old,indigenous
people we handcraft all of our remedies from scratch. The successes are
amazing. These plants know what they are doing. It is up to drs and science
to open themselves to the real nature of these biodiverse possibilities.
Dianne Heidke- Cloud Forest Botanicals, Boquete. Panama
The 1st prostate remedy receipe is impossible ( 1 tablespoon of triphala
powder into 8 1/2 ounces boiling water and boil for 20 minutes), 250mL is
about 8 1/2 ounces — I boiled it for 12 minutes and it boiled down to a
dark liquid and came to not even a teaspoon — either the water amount is
wrong or you meant to say boil for 2 minutes. And is the tablespoon size
correct or not? It doesn’t taste very good, that’s for sure.
This is nothing related to the sex . A well planned life style is better
and can result a very happy OLD AGE LIFE without any ailment ..please read
books for happy life style and proper diet with excercise 40 mnts daily
The mixture of Gooseberries, since we are taking only a tablespoon when
done, I assume we can store it on the refrigerator, is that right? And you
said to have some daily fr 4 weeks, right? Should we also take the other,
triphala drink for 4 weeks or maybe vary between the two, one on Monday and
the other on Tuesday — fo r 4 weeks?
8 1/2 oz. water: 250 milliliters = 8.45351 oounces 4 weeks for Remedy 2,
how long for remedy 1. Anyone here who can tell how well this works?
Wow! This girl has a cure for everything. Brest size, High Blood Pessure,
Prostate, Snoring, Weight Loss etc etc. She looks like a miracle worker.
You need to go to an Indian store and ask for help – goosberries are in the
frozen food area.
when to take the first method in early morning , or any timeduring day
,please explain
Hey! I’m Alex.I did -45 lbs in 1 month.Open