Alternative Treatment for Ulcerative colitis – Dr. Franco, Sunridge Medical
After failing to receive adequate treatment for her Ulcerative Colitis in her hometown of Vancouver, British Columbia, Nella talks about traveling to Arizona…
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People are so dependent on the system that they can’t utilize their
reasoning powers… Medicine is not the answer. It is the crutch. Natural
remedies can get rid of colitis, but you got to experiment. Diet is also
important and your belief system is important.
she is overreacting I have colitis and I take Remicade I ‘ve had it for 12
years and I have been on so many different meds and Remicade is by far the
best I have ever had. She says they just wanted to give me Remicade and
that’s it? I hate too break it too you lady you are ignorant did you think
they would give you a manny/ped too?
Nella talks about traveling to Arizona to see Dr. Franco and describes her
experience at Sunridge Medical. Alternative Treatment for Ulcerative
colitis – Dr. Franco, Sunridge Medical