Alternative Medicine Schools
Alternative Medicine Schools
Alternative Medicine Schools
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Home Page > Education > Alternative Medicine Schools
Alternative Medicine Schools
Posted: Jun 01, 2007 |Comments: 0
Find Alternative Medicine Schools in the United States and Canada. Teaching students how to use natural therapy and medicines to restore and maintain health, alternative medicine schools also elaborate on how these natural therapies date back to 420 B.C.; around the time of Hippocrates.
Students of alternative medicine schools will begin to understand that alternative medicine is considered a practice beyond the realm of conventional modern medicine. For example, naturopathy, chiropractic, Ayurvedic, homeopathy, acupuncture and so many other alternative medicine treatments are readily taught in a variety of alternative medicine schools because the demand for these treatments is on the rise.
Because our bodies are composed of chemical and physical reactions, holistic practitioners, who have gained training through one of several alternative medicine schools, affirm that illness is not directly caused by pathogens such as viruses or bacterium; instead is the consequence of the body’s reaction (in an effort to shield and heal itself) to a pathogen. Naturopathic and holistic doctors assist potential clients through alternative medicine by plainly alleviating symptoms of disease. This, among other valid motives, is a great reason for students to pursue an education through alternative medicine schools.
Successful graduates of alternative medicine schools learn to treat most conditions like headaches, sore throats, flu and cold, indigestion, ear infections, dermatitis, urinary tract infections, sprains and strains. Some chronic conditions such as migraines, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, cancer, muscle-skeletal pain, depression, stress, and even pregnancy and childbirth may be treated with alternative medicine as well.
Alternative medicine schools teach students proper nutrition in conjunction with vitamin and mineral supplements, and because plants and herbs are commonly used in alternative medicine to treat illness, students enrolled in alternative medicine schools will also attain a comprehensive education in other natural and non-invasive therapies. Some of these natural therapies may include hydrotherapy and hypnotherapy, which are common courses, taught in alternative medicine schools.
Overall, alternative medicine schools instruct students in how to improve mental, emotional, and physical health through natural and complementary medicines. In addition to encouraging psychic and spiritual growth, students who have graduated from alternative medicine schools learn how to help patients in restoring and maintaining overall wellbeing.
If you’d like to become an alternative medicine therapist or practitioner, Holistic Junction offers a vast array of alternative medicine schools from which you may choose to enroll. Take the leap and obtain a career in alternative medicine today! Find your dream job! Let education within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, alternative medicine, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you now!
Alternative Medicine Schools
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Steven Parbach –
About the Author:
Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd – Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for, in association with – Educational Resources for Healing Arts Schools, Alternative Medicine Schools, and other Alternative Healing Schools.
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