Acid Reflux (Acidity) – Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Treat acid reflux or acidity with natural home remedies using either basil leaves, cardamom or just chilled milk. For complete information check this short v…
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Down Natural Remedies For Constipation Ebook: Natural Remedies For Constipation, Remedies For…
Thank you Sister. Thanks a lot to all for the information and remedies.
It works, thanks a lot
If you’re still struggling with heartburn go to DONEPA com for a
permanent way to quickly get rid of your acid reflux symptoms Visit
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Nice remedies. I tried some of them and really got relief. Thanks.
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very effective home remedies to get rid of acidity,thanks to ayurveda,one
thing more to be added.enough intake of water s a must forall f us to avoid
one shd avoid excessive worrying as well to overcome by meditation.
Hi! My name Laveda and I live in New Mexico. I often go by Veda!! So nice
to watch your video and learn something new! Thanks for the info. I like
your name as well 🙂
Milk always helped me.
Yes I have, gradually since 3 years. And do not repent the decision of
following a healthy lifestyle now 🙂
Thanks for the tips
More than ur tips u r more helpful for me 4 all the problems.
hi me too suffering from gastric n feels heart burn after meal do did u
found some cure
Does peppermint tea help?
It’s a great service you are doing..thank you.
Thank You.
thank you sister :))))))))) how are you?
do you have something for full eye (20/20) recovery?
hope u can also found a remedy for varicose veins and old scars….thank
you!…love your show so helpful!! more power!!
Oh we already did that.. Head straight to our website and
search for varicose veins & then scars. You will find 2 awesome videos! 🙂
check out Dr Jamie Kauffman’s Dropping Acid. Better explanation of what is
actually happening and how to help it.
I Used to smoke, drink alcohol and then eat spicy and fried food at erratic
times 😛
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