Emphysema, COPD & Other Conditions Beaten: 10 Advantages of Alternative Medicine & Natural Remedies

bodies. Why shouldn’t you and your family have the same? )

Objectivity is foundational to the value and integrity of the scientific method; however, in the area of medicine and healing, the subjective, human realities of the patient (i.e., belief, expectation, attitude, commitment, family or environmental support, etc.) have abundantly been demonstrated to play major roles in healing. But such real factors and dimensions cannot easily be incorporated by the scientific method; therefore, other methods of measurement, research and investigation are necessary.

Again, the scientific method is highly necessary and deserves glorious credit. But scientists, researchers, doctors, etc., need to have the wisdom to know when it is needed or applicable; they, and we, need to have the wisdom and integrity to not discount or discredit evidence simply because it has not or cannot be investigated by the scientific method.

With the human, subjective variables being very real, medicine, health and healing can be somewhat more complicated than, say, the aerodynamics of flight, or other areas of technology. It seems that to simply label evidence that doesn’t fit the strict western scientific methodology, simply because scientists can’t fully explain or predict a claim, or that its nature prevents such strategy, would be closed minded. Some factors, variables or dimensions of the human experience are simply broader than the scientific methodology allows.

As can be seen as you investigate alternative medicine—great results have been realized from alternative medicine, natural remedies, etc.; such results are undeniable.

Mainstream medicine places a high value upon being able to explain “why” a tested treatment works; if they can’t explain it or it isn’t predictable by their standards, they tend to discount or discredit the substance, treatment or practice. Yes, it is worthy to want to know why something works or doesn’t work. However, wisdom from positive results would seem to say, “Use it … as you continue to investigate the “why” of it.” (Again, consider the countless dangers and deaths that have resulted from mainstream “approved” drugs, treatments and practices … many of which the public seems to be little aware.)

The bottom line is—the alternative treatments and natural remedies I support and use have demonstrated a much higher degree of value and validity than simple “hearsay” or “anecdotal evidence.” A real “truth seeker” will not let fear, bias, ego or an agenda interfere with gaining truth and facts.    

In recent years millions of common people have been awakened to the value and validity of alternative medicine and natural remedies; now, even mainstream practitioners are opening their minds to them. Here are a few examples. For years, chiropractic care was basically scoffed at; but now chiropractic care is so widely embraced that many insurance companies cover it and countless people have benefited from it. For years, alternative doctors and health practitioners asserted that good nutrition and cleansing the body of toxins were crucial to good health and healing; yet mainstream medicine tended to downplay their importance. Now, after years of alternative medicine making progress, an increasing number of mainstream practitioners are open to these truths and even practice them personally themselves. This is good news! These mainstream medical professionals are to be appreciated for being forward-thinking!

A third example is that, for years, alternative professionals asserted that anti-biotics were way over prescribed by mainstream doctors. Now, in recent years, mainstream sources have come to acknowledge this, as some harmful microbes have become immune to the over prescribed anti-biotics. This has even been report on in mainstream media. Once again, alternative medicine revealed and proclaimed truth that is now being received. I am not attempting to discount or diminish the value and validity of mainstream medicine. It definitely has its place. And I definitely acknowledge and appreciate the truly dedicated mainstream medical professionals who both practice and advance beneficial methods of medical innovations. In my opinion, there is no better place to go for injuries or trauma than a mainstream medical hospital!

I’m just saying that, when it comes to general health and healing of diseases and conditions like emphysema, cancer, COPD, arthritis, etc., both mainstream and alternative treatments should be openly and fairly considered. This seems to be “common sense” wisdom. When you begin to look into the successes of alternative medicine, it will soon become apparent that the countless successes and testimonials cannot be denied. Five, ten or twenty success testimonials from a single source could be overlooked. However, a broader view will reveal that there are countless successes, from many diverse and highly credible sources of alternative medicine and natural remedies. Many such successes are from late stage patients who mainstream medicine had exhausted their limited treatments on, and sent them home to prepare to die. Yet, alternative medicine is credited with a good percentage of restoring the health of such late-stage patients, or at least extending their lives and allowing them to experience a higher quality of life in their final days (as compared to what they likely would have had under mainstream treatment or hospitalization).

At some point in one’s investigation of the subject, it becomes apparent that to discount or deny these many diverse successes would be ignorant and closed minded. One man, Jim, was told by his mainstream doctor that there was nothing else he could do for him, and that he would die in about six months from his emphysema and COPD.

Shortly after, however, Jim discovered and began a long established, but still relatively little-known, alternative treatment. Just six weeks after starting this simple and inexpensive treatment, Jim returned to his mainstream doctor. After some tests, his doctor exclaimed in amazement: “Whatever you’ve been doing — keep doing it! Your lungs are 70% clear!”

(Jim is still living today — over 20 years since his doctor gave him a six-month “death sentence.” The treatment Jim used to beat emphysema, COPD and arthritis in six weeks has also been used by thousands of people to heal or greatly improve many other diseases and conditions.)

True science, whether in medicine or any other field, should constantly be open to evidence — even if the body of evidence is contrary to the scientist or investigator’s premises, hypothesis or expectations. It has been said that the evidence of an experiment or study is dictated by the hypothesis. In a way, this perspective is necessary and even inherently desirable in the scientific process. (Double-blind studies and experiments are indeed important and often necessary and desired.) A scientist should or may have some expectations in the testing of his or her hypothesis. However, if a scientist doesn’t have a grounding or value beyond the results, a purpose that is to get at truth that goes beyond his or her expectations or purpose — a bias can sway or elevate their agenda above truth and that which may potentially benefit society. And, even with a justifiable and worthy profit motive, if benefiting society or whatever is not the ultimate aim, then hindering truth can be harmful to individuals, society, and/or the environment.

To hold to one’s foundational assumptions above the evidence blinds one to truth and reality; and getting at truth and reality should be the guiding vision of science, medical or otherwise. Anything less is to devalue and hinder progress that could likely benefit others. Yes, profit can and should be made. Profit is foundational to the stability and advance of the company or institution, and economics in general. Devoid of some fair degree of profit motive, the expressions of gifts and talents of human creativity and innovation would be hindered. But profit or power can wrongfully become more important than people, animals or the environment. Unfortunately, in the real world, this has been the case too many times throughout history as well as today.

The key to true and beneficial “advancement” is to evaluate and proceed with a care and concern for the long-term effects at all levels (human, animal and environment). The primary standard and directive, then, as the creatures on earth who impact the world more than any other — should be to value life at all levels. So, whether it is medicine or another area of science, alternative ideas that demonstrate safety and effectiveness, even if they are not as profitable — should be allowed and supported to the benefit of humanity, individually and collectively. Choice is fundamental to freedom, but true choice is not possible if the alternatives are not supported or made available.

Again, mainstream medicine and the pharmaceutical industry have done much good for the benefit of society. However, to varying degrees and for various reasons, many of the beneficial discoveries, advances and successes of alternative medicine — have too long been ignored or discounted by mainstream medical sources. These many successes of alternative medicine are realities that anyone can quickly discover as they begin

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